Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

correction: QUERY_STRING is *not* urldecoded.

backport of 77718c121f89b39bd0095f10e2dbd2ff9df65281 RFC3875 § 4.1.7 states that "the QUERY_STRING variable contains a URL-encoded search or parameter string".

Omar Polo

gmid 1.8.5 (tags/1.8.5)

Omar Polo

changes for 1.8.4

Omar Polo

document the implicit mapping for text/gemini

and remove the explicit mapping from the documentation and test files.

Omar Polo

document the `types' behavior

Omar Polo

add an entry for text/gemini in the `types' example

if using `types' the internal listing is not used, so show how to add the entries for text/gemini when using /usr/share/misc/mime.types.

Omar Polo
