Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

improving error reporting

makes the player process optionally send back a string describing the failure to provide a better and more coincise error message. This turns the syslog message(s): amused: unknown file type amused: failed to play, skipping /home/op/pics/phos.jpg into: amused: unknown file type; skipping /home/op/pics/phos.jpg

Omar Polo

skip every non-regular file

not only directories... I guess we can't do much even with sockets, fifos or character devices. (symbolic links are still supported since we follow them)

Omar Polo

avoid unnecessary initialization

we're just gonna memcpy all over path again a couple of lines before; a smart compiler will probably ignore the initialization anyway.

Omar Polo

don't send the song' path to the player process

we're not relying anymore on the file extension, so this information is useless for the player.

Omar Polo

reuse main_send_player

instead of filling the params for imsg_compose_event.

Omar Polo

drop now unused #include <sndio.h>

with the recent refactoring, sndio is only visible in player.c

Omar Polo

rework how the daemon is automatically spawned

The previous way introduce possible races if multiple `amused' instances try to start the daemon. The new approach is heavily lifted from how tmux does it, but with some minor differences. If the initial connect fails we try to grab a lock to safely execute the daemon only one time. In fact we try to connect one more time even when we hold the lock because another instance can grab the lock, start the daemon and release it between the failure of connect and the first flock. It also changes slightly how the program behaves and how the -d option works. Now running `amused' without arguments is a synonym for `amused status' and the -d option only works if no arguments were given and if the daemon wasn't running.

Omar Polo

reuse main_senderr

Omar Polo

don't crash when trying to play a directory

with pledge(sendfd) we can't send a fd that represents a directory, so we have to check before and eventually skip.

Omar Polo

stray newline