

add tags target

drop landlock/seccomp and capsicum support it reached a point where this stuff is not maintenable. I'd like to move forward with gmid, but the restriction of capsicum and the linux environment at large that make landlock unusable (how can you resolve DNS portably when under landlock?) -and don't get me started on seccomp- makes it impossible for me to do any work. So, I prefer removing the crap, resuming working on gmid by cleaning stuff and consolidating the features, improving various things etc... and then eventually see how to introduce some sandboxing again on other systems. Patches to resume sandboxing are, as always, welcome!

rework `make dist'

update depends

adjust install/uninstall target gmid.1 was moved as gmid.8 and now we have `ge' too

add ge: gemini export!

get rid of the CGI support I really want to get rid of the `executor' process hack for CGI scripts and its escalation to allow fastcgi and proxying to work on non-OpenBSD. This drops the CGI support and the `executor' process entirely and is the first step towards gmid 2.0. It also allows to have more secure defaults. On non-OpenBSD systems this means that the sandbox will be deactivated as soon as fastcgi or proxying are used: you can't open sockets under FreeBSD' capsicum(4) and I don't want to go thru the pain of making it work under linux' seccomp/landlock. Patches are always welcome however. For folks using CGI scripts (hey, I'm one of you!) not all hope is lost: fcgiwrap or OpenBSD' slowcgi(8) are ways to run CGI scripts as they were FastCGI applications. fixes for the documentation and to the non-OpenBSD sandboxes will follow.

include contrib/ in dist

add missing manpage for gg


include Makefile.depend too

refactor the makefile / configure steal more (good) stuff from mandoc-portable :)

the install target ought to depend on gg too

install gmid.conf.5 too