
woops, don't extract if already did

don't rely on filter-export anymore Instead, parse the output of `mshow -t' and extract, one by one, the interesting parts. This allows to generate a better listing (we know name and size!) and to decide how to call the files (the extension is important for httpd!)

urlencode the mail/thread id reminded by semarie@, thanks!

specify why it's not using tmppath pledge promise in theory `mexp' could use the tmppath pledge promise and drop unveil("/tmp/", "rwc") BUT File::Temp checks whether /tmp exists. Another option would be to unveil("/tmp", "r") and use tmppath, but that could seem misleading. (noticed after semarie@ reminded me of `tmppath')

state the license on each file

drop trailing space on Date header values

fix the Date header on the raw email too while here also drops a useless chomp

add a nav at the end of each mail for raw body and thread link

create temp files in /tmp and don't allow writes to "." there's little point to use pledge/unveil and then allow the program to modify itself...

refactor the "thread header" into a separate function

refactor how external file are slurped

refactor the parsing into the module change the mscan format string to siplify the parsing, and refactor the parsing code into the module for reuse. pe is an exception in that it doesn't care about the format string, it just need to decide if the current line starts a new thread or not, that's why it doesn't use the newly introduced `parse'. The new format simplifies pe too though.

mexp: defer skip test after $tid is set otherwise we run with an undef $tid when processing new replies to existing threads.

pledge and unveil the scripts

drop needless mkdirs