
venti: throw away dcache read-ahead code

venti: move os x linker hack

venti/randtest: compute totalbytes correctly

factotum: fix build error (Axel Belinfante)

auxstats: use acpi to find battery info on Linux (Andrey Mirtchovski)

factotum: implement p9cr

9pserve: delete from correct hash slot (fix infinite loop)

venti: seal arenas without bypassing dcache

venti: allow partition syntax in verifyarena (Michael Kaminsky)

venti: avoid race in mirrorarenas (Michael Kaminsky)

venti: add -s flag to disable redundant SHA1 in mirrorarenas


9.rc: change to work with rc -e (Tony Lainson) Change sense of test at end of 9.rc so that when invoked with no arguments the test still evaluates true, so that it works well with rc -e.

mailfs: fix handling of FLAGS response (Robert Vollmert)

libthread: simplify alt tracking, possibly fixing bug