
handle SIGHUP gracefully i.e. don't print scary messages with LOG_CRIT priority!

split usage string into two lines

fix out-of-bounds access obviously msg[datalen] is an off-by-one

give each server process its own socket for the executor this fixes a bug introduced with the prefork mechanics: every server process shared the same socket, and this would cause a race condition when multiple server processes asked for a script cgi being executed. This gives each server process its own socket to talk to the executor, so the race cannot happen.

include sys/types.s to fix the build on OpenBSD

updated readme

[seccomp] allow sendmsg

sync global variables

move log_init & vars to gmid.c, retain logger_main in log.c this is to let the regression suite compile

checks for compat + don't initialise HAVE_*

fix various error in compat/err.c

make sure -o is passed to ${CC} in suffix rule

clean objects in compat dir

add compat/*.o got doesn't seem to match (say) compat/freezero.o with *.o

move vhost_should_log call to server.c log.o is linked to some regress/ stuff. Calling from there a vhost_* function means that we should link the regress/stuff to server.o too (and that would pull in other stuff...). Moving the call is easier, and also probably better.