
fastcgi: a first implementation Not production-ready yet, but it's a start. This adds a third ``backend'' for gmid: until now there it served local files or CGI scripts, now FastCGI applications too. FastCGI is meant to be an improvement over CGI: instead of exec'ing a script for every request, it allows to open a single connection to an ``application'' and send the requests/receive the responses over that socket using a simple binary protocol. At the moment gmid supports three different methods of opening a fastcgi connection: - local unix sockets, with: fastcgi "/path/to/sock" - network sockets, with: fastcgi tcp "host" [port] port defaults to 9000 and can be either a string or a number - subprocess, with: fastcgi spawn "/path/to/program" the fastcgi protocol is done over the executed program stdin of these, the last is only for testing and may be removed in the future. P.S.: the fastcgi rule is per-location of course :)

move pidfile & cgi to global vars

allow ``root'' rule to be specified per-location block

added ``alias'' option to define hostname aliases for a server

pidfile support with `-P pidfile'

fix some logging - we can't use log_* or fatal() before logger_init - err -> errx if errno isn't involved

added ``env'' option to define environment vars for CGI scripts

keep verbosity level after config reload


typo in comment

restore signal handlers before exec'ing CGI scripts

list instead of fixed-size array for vhosts and locations saves some bytes of memory and removes the limit on the maximum number of vhosts and location blocks.

fix mkdirs: create directories recursively


fix signal handling so it works on linux too it seems that linux calls the signal handlers even when we're waiting on sigwait for that signal. Work around that.