
use com.omarpolo/gemini I've released a gemini library (based on the deleted so use it.

ping antenna

ignore drafts; dots stuff & useful comments

tweaks and robots.txt

generate robots.txt and change upload dir

throw useful exception on post not found I found this more useful than a "nil reader" error from slurp.

new post and minutie

implementing the draft gemini feed format

missing stuff for CGI

generate a RSS feed also for Gemini

copy the images also for gemini

adedd "pages" pages are static page that lives in pages/. They are pretty self-explanatory I believe. They are managed like the posts, see pages.edn. This also adds a "project" page (also liked on top of every page) and some other pages linked from them. The only thing is that I needed an hack for the HTTP part: replace link to ".gmi" files to ".html". For the moment is OK, but in the future can be a pain. I need to find a way to generate correctly link from both the gemini part and the http part from the same gemtext file.

support building and deploying BOTH http and gemini

added a local deploy function

group comments for interactive usage