
missing NULL check

guard some pointer deferences

don't crash on forward-char on empty pages


visually drop trailing spaces when formatting a page

arithmetic on void pointers is a GNU extension apparently Another useful warning got thanks to -pedantic.

emit a dummy NUL byte on empty files an empty initializer, such as uint8_t foo[] = { }; raises a warning: "use of GNU empty initializer extension" using -pedantic. This adds a dummy NUL byte that's not accounted in the len counter. So, now it produces: uint8_t foo[] = { 0x0 }; size_t foo_len = 0;

ensure descr and linedata are initialized

add about:license

added missing copyright header

mention that data/emoji.txt is copyright UNICODE, Inc.

don't add trailing NUL byte plus some doc improvements and a missing return

added missing include thanks Ben for noticing it!

keep the scrolling during a save-excursion

add a human-readable title