
retire filter-export; set everything to filter-ignore

don't rely on filter-export anymore Instead, parse the output of `mshow -t' and extract, one by one, the interesting parts. This allows to generate a better listing (we know name and size!) and to decide how to call the files (the extension is important for httpd!)

export image/gif, jpeg and png too

use (part) of the original file name instead of the message-id

urlencode the mail/thread id reminded by semarie@, thanks!


use File::Temp for the index pages; specify why it's not using tmppath we can't use the tmppath pledge promise as File::Temp checks whether /tmp exists. We could unveil("/tmp", "r") and use `tmppath', but it seem misleading. (noticed after semarie@ reminded me of `tmppath')

specify why it's not using tmppath pledge promise in theory `mexp' could use the tmppath pledge promise and drop unveil("/tmp/", "rwc") BUT File::Temp checks whether /tmp exists. Another option would be to unveil("/tmp", "r") and use tmppath, but that could seem misleading. (noticed after semarie@ reminded me of `tmppath')

state the license on each file

tweak the readme the subtitle was meant to be more of a joke, but as it can be misinterpreted let's change it.

more stuff to do


tweak the readme

do a round of optipng on the images to save some bytes

bundle the images and drop the hard dependency on imagemagick