
use path-less names for ssh, samterm. let execvp sort it out.

Use execvp to avoid hard-coding path names for ssh, samterm.

print current directory in "don't know how to make" errors.

Lib9.h updated to support plumber from Caerwyn Jones. (New lib9.h expected soon.)

Single-threaded plumber that can run "start" rules. Thanks to Caerwyn Jones.

Move werrstr into errstr, so that if you use werrstr you have to get this __errfmt instead of the one in libfmt that only does Unix error codes.

Fix a bug in Linux?

Force CVS to create the lib/ directory by creating a file in it.

Some Plan 9 workalikes.

Change occasionally to nightly.

Clarify font directories.

Distribution notes.


Set $BIN.

Flush the display when we poll for events.