
handle file:// URIs

add make_fs_request

fix handling of query part in gopher URLs The computed request was discarded because we passed `path' to make_request. Passing NULL here makes the net proc use our computed request string. There was an error in the computed request btw, where \r\n were strcpy'd instead of cat'd.

new_tab: allow to add the tab after a current one this allows cmd_push_button_new_tab to open the new tab right *after* the current one, instead that always at the end.

fix redirect & history the reload command doesn't push the current url to the history anymore.

start loading spinner when sending gopher searches

initial support for gopher item type 7

void -> int for load_page_from_str too

change the load_*_url functions so they return an int this will allow to support type 7 links on gopher easily

simplify parsers api; use domain name if no title

fix gopher requests

initial gophermaps support

initial gopher support


add default ports it's ugly to patch the port in load_*_url. It's still ugly to do in do_load_url, but a bit less. It would be nice if phos did this, but I'm not sure it fits the library adding default ports of a bunch of protocols.