
use (a modified version of) kristaps' oconfigure see GitHub issue #1

implement seeking This adds the internal management of the seeking, as well as the decoder backends bits.

keep track of current position and total duration

improving error reporting makes the player process optionally send back a string describing the failure to provide a better and more coincise error message. This turns the syslog message(s): amused: unknown file type amused: failed to play, skipping /home/op/pics/phos.jpg into: amused: unknown file type; skipping /home/op/pics/phos.jpg

s/player_setrate/player_setup when the function was renamed, the error messages weren't.

try to recover from mp3 decoding errors

change play_*() so that they return an integer this will allow to remove the `got_stop' hack in player.c

drop now unused #include <sndio.h> with the recent refactoring, sndio is only visible in player.c

refactor the player_shouldstop/sio_write dance in a function

switch from libmad to libmpg123 libmpg123 is more "loud" than libmad, at least for the mp3s that I have around. Is also newer and maintained. I've heard is also faster, but amused is so simple that it doesn't make any difference.