
drop the configless mode from gmid; now it's provided by `ge'

get rid of the CGI support I really want to get rid of the `executor' process hack for CGI scripts and its escalation to allow fastcgi and proxying to work on non-OpenBSD. This drops the CGI support and the `executor' process entirely and is the first step towards gmid 2.0. It also allows to have more secure defaults. On non-OpenBSD systems this means that the sandbox will be deactivated as soon as fastcgi or proxying are used: you can't open sockets under FreeBSD' capsicum(4) and I don't want to go thru the pain of making it work under linux' seccomp/landlock. Patches are always welcome however. For folks using CGI scripts (hey, I'm one of you!) not all hope is lost: fcgiwrap or OpenBSD' slowcgi(8) are ways to run CGI scripts as they were FastCGI applications. fixes for the documentation and to the non-OpenBSD sandboxes will follow.

copyright years

sort the MIME mappings and do a binary search to match

don't load the built-in list when using `types'

allow add_mime to fail add_mime nows allocate dinamically copies of the passed strings, so that we can actually free what we parse from the config file. This matters a lot especially with lengthy `types' block: strings that reach the internal mapping are never free'd, so every manual addition is leaked.

const-ify some tables matches found with % grep -R '=[ ]*{' . | fgrep -v const

allow using a custom hostname for SNI during proxying add a `sni' option for the `proxy' block: the given name is used instead of the one extracted by the `relay-to' rule.

proxy: allow multiple proxy blocks, matching options and validations as a side effect the order of the content of a server block is relaxed: options, location or proxy blocks can be put in any order.

simplify the proxying code it doesn't make any sense to keep the proxying info per-location: proxying only one per-vhost. It can't work differently, it doesn't make sense anyway.

support optional client certificate for proxy rule

add ability to proxy requests Add to gmid the ability to forwad a request to another gemini server and thus acting like a reverse proxy. The current syntax for the config file is server "" { ... proxy relay-to host:port } Further options (like the use of custom certificates) are planned. cf. github issue #7

free OCSP path when clearing the config was forgotten in ff05125eb81e5bbf2cf05b8434d03bce584936e0


Implement OCSP stapling support Currently dogfooding this patch at To test, run the following command and look for the "OCSP response" header: openssl s_client -connect "" -status