
mention finger/gopher and rework the first paragraph

fix warning and mention


misc doc improvements

allow about: pages to be locally overridden

use raw instead of `localhost' in the example Gnuserland reports that on his machine `proxy http via "gemini://localhost:1965" doesn't work, but with the raw ip works. I've seen a similar note on the duckling-proxy readme. Must be some weird stuff going on on linux, anyway...

drop outdated example config

add descr. to completions ; filter by descr. too

add set-title option

keep track of the current tab and restore it after startup

add mini-goto-beginning/end bound to M-</M-> in minibuffer

bind [ and ] to tab-previous/next As suggested by Gnuserland, thanks!

document emojify-link

add toggle-pre-wrap

add hide-pre-closing-line