
fix the msize checking in the regress suite recent changes in 93c0742 reduced the msize returned by the server: this is still valid in 9p but not what the suite expected.

remove walk-ok in favour of expect(Rwalk)

add a failing test spotted by cage, thanks!

Topen implemented Implement Topen plus some basic testing. ORCLOSE (remove file when the fid is clunked) is mapped to O_CLOEXEC and tried to be honoured on fid_free. "vanilla" 9P2000 uses reads on directories to list the entries while 9P2000.L (and .U too possibly) introduces an explicit Treaddir. I'm planning to support 9P2000-style read-on-dir but not yet.

various tweaks so the tests now pass! :D

reorganize tests

use the new debug builtin

assert don't takes commas

iota is now a function

constants and comments

drafting a "9pscript" for regress testing