
- [regress-extra] added 'test-create-many-files' and 'test-open-many-files'.

- [regress-extra] added a test checking what happens when writing empty data on a file.

- regress-extra] added 'test-path-exists-many-times'.

- [regress-extra] changed function's name to reflects the changes of the library's API.

- [regress-extra] fixed test that changes atime and mtime together.

- [regress-extra] added testing for changing atime and mtime using wstat.

- [regress-extra] refactored test related to file moving or truncation.

- [regress-extra] added test for checking truncation of files using Twstat.

- [regress-extra] tested Tstat to ensure that a directory has size == 0 in the stat struct returned.

- [regress-extra] added test for copying and moving a file; - [regress-extra] fixed 'make-huge-data' so that returns always the same value.

- [regress-extra] fixed test 'test-read-a-tiny-amount-of-data', a condition signalled was expected.

- [regress-extra] added test 'read-data-exceeding-msize'.

- [regress-extra] added test 'read-a-tiny-amount-of-data'.

- [regress-extra] added tests that read and write a big amount of data from a file.

- [regress-extra] added a few more tests.