
Add support for user-level 9P servers/clients and various bug fixes to go with them.

various tweaks.

Clean up yacc files in mkcommon, mkhdr. Add nan to lib9. Fix memory corruption bugs in 9term.

Remove debugging print from 9term.

Various fixes.

fix bug in handling of backspace in output.

make hold mode a bit more attractive.

more bug fixes

add -a flag for acme.

Various fixes. B - fixed usage, DISPLAY :0 vs :0.0 9term - fixed various terminal things rc - notice traps in Read _p9dir - only run disk code for disks dirread - getdirentries on FreeBSD and Linux are different w.r.t. meaning of off. notify - set up so signals interrupt system calls bprint - use bfmt.

fix stack size (oops)

fixes to plumber and 9term

Update NOTES, hack on 9term a little.

Dhog's 9term. Updated for current libraries by Caerwyn Jones. Button-3 plumbing (like in acme) by rsc.