
libdraw: fix "mk" Should default to building the library, not getsubfont.o.

libdraw: redo default font construction to be hidpi-safe If $font is not set, the default font is constructed from font data linked into every libdraw binary. That process was different from the usual openfont code, and so it was not hidpi-aware, resulting in very tiny fonts out of the box on hidpi systems, until users set $font. Fix this by using openfont to construct the default font, by recognizing the name *default* when looking for font and subfont file contents. Then all the hidpi scaling applies automatically. As a side effect, the concept of a 'default subfont' is gone, as are display->defaultsubfont, getdefont, and memgetdefont.

libdraw: add Cursor2, a 32x32 high-res cursor Also add setcursor2, esetcursor2, and draw protocol encoding. Calls to the old setcursor, esetcursor create a 32x32 by pixel doubling when needed.

add iprint



break x11 for sure

Many small edits.


clean up when finished. don't set PLAN9 don't set PLAN9

fix drawread, add changes from david tolpin

Changes for Mac OS X. Most important is stack sizes in samterm, which were completely bogus. (Libthread used to ignore them but not anymore. Maybe we really should ignore them, but that breaks Venti, which needs *really* big stacks.)

Add drawsetlabel(Display*, char*). Turn window destruction into "hangup" note. Fix (?) snarf buffer management. Add latin1 keyboard translation.