
devdraw, libdraw: fix memory leaks by freeing getns() malloced string (#431)

devdraw, libdraw: handle keyboard runes > U+FFFF Runes in Plan 9 were limited to the 16-bit BMP when I drew up the RPC protocol between graphical programs and devdraw a long time ago. Now that they can be 32-bit, use a 32-bit wire encoding too. A new message number to avoid problems with other clients (like Add keyboard shortcut alt : , for U+1F602, face with tears of joy, to test that it all works.

devdraw: use indirect impl interface Setting up for a real window system.

devdraw: actually send resize event on resize Fixes #340. Fixes #343.

devdraw: notify window resize promptly on x11 Fixes #339.

devdraw: x11 working again Need to think a bit more about locking, but overall it's a working devdraw. Multiclient mode may not be working but nothing is using it yet.

devdraw: multiclient mode

devdraw: more cleanup, clearer locking

devdraw: refactor, clean up mac screen Also turn mac-srv.c into a generic srv.c, so we can remove the duplication with x11-srv.c.