
rename `mime MIME EXT' to `map MIME to-ext EXT' With the newish automatic string concatenation, options like `mime' that accepts two strings as parameter start to become ambiguous: which strings gets concatenated? Instead of trying to document in the manpage which argument(s) is subject to string concatenation, do the concat always and introduce a separator. In the case of mime, `to-ext' now acts as a separator to distinguish. While there, also use a new keyword because it sounds better. It's dead-easy to upgrade to the new configuration, possibly with some sed magic, but for the moment the old `mime' form is preserved: (with a warning!) Will be dropped in the next release.

revert 2c16dbd5486 -- macro names can't be reserved words While one can define a macro using a reserved word as name using -Dname=val, inside the configuration file it'll fail.

macro names can be reserved words

fix macro example

document the c-like handling of strings

don't expand macros inside the quotes Now that we have this auto concat string thingy, macros can simply expand to standalone strings in place, as single words. Forgot to point it out in previous commits, but now we can cert = "/etc/keys" server "foo" { cert $cert "/foo.crt" ... }

document macros: both -D and syntax

mention -V/--version and --help in the manpage

document `log' option

fix warnings in manpage man -Tlint

document fastcgi and the new `param' options

document `fastcgi' config option

correct the description of `strip' now it's also used in the path lookup process

gmid don't enforce anymore that a root is specified

allow ``root'' rule to be specified per-location block