
apply time-based rate-limiting to got-fetch-pack download progress output

move more code used by got-send-pack and got-fetch-pack to a common file Move functions and data structures which implement Git protocol features required for fetching and sending pack files to new files lib/gitproto.c and lib/got_lib_gitproto.h. This code was duplicated in got-fetch-pack and got-send-pack. No functional change.

move pkt code used by got-fetch-pack and got-send-pack to a common file The Git protocol uses a simple packet framing format. The got-fetch-pack and got-send-pack programs contained identical copies of functions to support this format. Move related functions to new file lib/pkt.c and link both programs against this common implementation. No functional change.

Add initial support for network protocol. Ported from git9 by Ori Bernstein.