
recompute completions after minibuffer history navigation

allow to select a previous history item

add mini-kill-whole-line

add must_select flag for enter_minibuffer it only makes sense when entering the minibuffer with completions. This flag is useful for functions like tag-select where the user types something but one of the completions *must* be selected.

don't highlight the first completion by deafult This is the first commit of a series to improve the handling of completions. Currently it's a mess: some commands look at the selected entry, others at what was typed in the minibuffer... it's not clear which commands does what. So, change of defaults: don't highlight anything by default to avoid confusing the user, C-n and C-p now are the obvious way to move the focus from the minibuffer to a completion. This doesn't change how the commands handle the selection, that will done in a follow-up commit.

add write-buffer saves a page to the disk. Also, changes the order of the downloads so the new one is always at the top.

add compl_lu completion function for load-url and load-current-url

fix compilation; add missing header

make `reply-last-input' work on gopher too

reply-last-input: reply input requests on demand Telescope now remebers the last URL (per tab!) that replied with 1X (input request.) The new command reply-last-input allows to resend a query to that URL. It's particularly useful with capsules that make a heavy uses of 10 replies (search engines or similar, interactive pages, etc) because it both saves a network roundtrip and the user from looking for the "search" link all across the page ;-) idea from a conversation with thfr@, thanks!

tweak cache-info message

add cache-info

fix start_loading_animation usage the idiom if (load_next_page(...)) start_loading_anim(...); is fundamentally wrong because `load_next_page' (or previous page, or anything else that call into load_url) *may* load all the page before returning (thanks to the cache, but not only, cf. load_page_from_str.) Instead, let's call start_loadign_anim at the start of make_request so it's always called in the right moment. Cache and other special pages don't end up calling make_request anyway, and we already call stop_loading_anim when a request finishes (or fails.) move start_loading_anim up in make_request.

provide a way to bypass the cache This changes the last argument of load_url to be a `mode' bitmap instead of a boolean ``nohist''. LU_MODE_NOHIST is the old 1, LU_MODE_NONE is provided just for readability and the new LU_MODE_NOCACHE allows to bypass the caching when loading a page. Telescope only uses the cache when: - re-opens a closed tab - navigates backward and forward in the history All other situations result in the usual network request.

append killed tabs when parsing session to preserve the order The other option, less intrusive, would be to send the killed tabs in reverse order, but it'd seems strange when looking at the session file otherwise. So, add a `append' flag to kill_tab to optionally append the killed tab instead of pre-pending it.