
lib9: make netmkaddr handle unix! addresses better

include/memlayer.h: remove redundant AUTOLIB (Brian Stuart)

libdisk: avoid unreachable code to silence Sun cc warning (Russell Davies)

include/drawfcall.h: remove redundant AUTOLIB(draw)

ndb/local: remove rsc-specific entries (oops)

libbio: lost changes to include/bio.h (@#%@#$ mercurial)

acme: fix owner bug in elogapply

vftp: walk fixes (Fazlul Shahriar)

libdiskfs: ext2 revision 1 tweaks (Fazlul Shahriar)

libthread: fix 64-bit bug in threadstart (Nathaniel Filardo)

sort: use noted(NDFLT) in note handler There are many more random notes flying around here in Unix-land than there were on Plan 9. For example, some shells implement "cat file | sort" with cat as the child of sort, so that when cat exits, sort gets a "sys: child" note. noted(NDFLT) knows which signals aren't really important and can be ignored, and which need to kill the program.

u.h: add Solaris 5.10 to makecontext list


upas/fs: accomodate new post9pservice

mailfs: add -m option