
configure: look for errc instead of err kill unused variables

endian.h is not universally available FreeBSD and NetBSD have sys/endian.h, on MacOS we need to use the functions from libkern/OSByteOrder.h see github issue #1

include compat for reallocarray too reported by @Et7f3 in github issue #1, thanks!

tag 0.2 * fix twstat handling of mode bits * rejects incoming connections with a ridiculously small msize * allow "jumbo" (i.e. more than 16K) Twrite and Treads * allow Tread to read exactly msize bytes * kamiftp: fix reads wrt msize * kamiftp: do maximum reads and writes

add kamiproxy: a 9p-over-tls proxy for plaintext 9p kamiproxy is a TLS-capable proxy that forwards the traffic it gets over plaintext 9p on a local port to a remote 9p server. It uses (and mandates) tls client certificates.

transform compat/ into a static library

fix bundling of contrib/ stuff

opt-in some warnings

use serial ids and drop usage of arc4random it's not so useful here and not (directly) used anywhere else.

include test in the distribution tarball while here also delete the two remaining makefiles from before the -portable merge.

fix project name; `kamid' not -portable

fix readline on !OpenBSD I talked too fast. There's a typo that disabled readline even if found with pkg-config, and also the way I hooked it in kamiftp was wrong...

fix -hopefully once and for all- the readline stuff It's incredible how hard is to find an optional dependency that's needed only for some targets. I don't want to use a subdir because kamiftp needs the whole compat stuff as everything else, damn!

Merge branch 'portable' Trying to maintain two branches was impossible at this stage for me alone, so I'll recognize my stupidity and merge the portable branch into the main one. The repository will build using autotools.