
switch to our new struct download for the downloads

wrap download page

simplify print_vline_descr

add download and download.* line styles

add side window for downloads

annotate why 15 lines

sort token names

drop leading T from token names

delay erase_buffer until parser_init The idea is to handle better non-displayable pages (like images), and keeping the old page until the server replies is the first step. It also simplifies the memory management btw.


fix item line detection cherry-pick of commit ff79bf032c776716f71996eda953fe7b6ef8008b from the (abandoned?) branch feature/cache. The spec says (5.5.2 Unordered list items) > Lines beginning with "* " are unordered list items. (regarding the feature/cache branch, I think I want to drop that and start afresh, here's why the cherrypick and not a merge or a rebase)

include `contrib' distribution in tarballs

forgot to bump (dev) version

missing include

sync changelog