Commit Diff

commit - 8bd06def3ffe5c08906a5a03583b6dd6579a8f96
commit + 017e8c818783c5b93ec573b916589df7fe020698
blob - 7a521f34ce2146042c0715b877be8465f7509cae
blob + bfb2f6b33741ce35450d4d312cdaec60391ebce9
--- plass
+++ plass
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ use File::Find;
 my $store = $ENV{'PLASS_STORE'} // $ENV{'HOME'}.'/.password-store';
 my $got = $ENV{'PLASS_GOT'} // 'got';
-my $tog = $ENV{'PLASS_TOG'} // 'tog';
 my $gpg = $ENV{'PLASS_GPG'} // 'gpg';
 my @gpg_flags = qw(--quiet --compress-algo=none --no-encrypt-to --use-agent);
@@ -42,11 +41,9 @@ my %subcmd = (
 	cat	=> [\&cmd_cat,		"entries..."],
 	find	=> [\&cmd_find,		"[pattern]"],
 	gen	=> [\&cmd_gen,		"[-nq] [-c chars] [-l length] entry"],
-	got	=> [\&cmd_got,		"args ..."],
 	mv	=> [\&cmd_mv,		"from to"],
 	rm	=> [\&cmd_rm,		"entries..."],
 	tee	=> [\&cmd_tee,		"[-q] entry"],
-	tog	=> [\&cmd_tog,		"args ..."],
 my $usage = "[-h] command [argument ...]";
@@ -258,10 +255,6 @@ sub cmd_gen {
 	say $pass unless $q;
-sub cmd_got {
-	exec $got, @ARGV;
 # TODO: handle moving directories?
 sub cmd_mv {
 	GetOptions('h|?' => \&usage) or usage;
@@ -315,7 +308,3 @@ sub cmd_tee {
 	got_ci (-f $file ? "update $name" : "+$name");
 	say $pass unless $q;
-sub cmd_tog {
-	exec $tog, @ARGV;
blob - c0c7f97c581c23bf9b5a3e8165e6e928e92e0875
blob + e9c963b5f6c27a62bf12c9c79c3a0a0abe54d7f3
--- plass.1
+++ plass.1
@@ -74,11 +74,6 @@ If the
 flag is given the password won't be persisted and the
 .Ar entry
 argument is optional.
-.It Cm got Ar arguments
-.Xr got 1
-in the password store directory with the given
-.Ar arguments .
 .It Cm mv Ar from Ar to
 Rename a password entry, doesn't work with directories.
 .Ar from
@@ -95,11 +90,6 @@ Prompt for a password and persist it into the store un
 name and the print it again on the standard output unless the
 .Fl q
 option is given.
-.It Cm tog Ar arguments ...
-.Xr tog 1
-in the password store directory with the given
-.Ar arguments .
 A password store is just a normal
@@ -155,10 +145,6 @@ executable.
 Default length for the generated passwords.
 Path to the password store directory tree.
-Path to the
-.Xr tog 1
 .Bl -tag -width Ds