Commit Diff

commit - 5576f8c2c022ecfcda8b931c13eb200c774f8021
commit + 0ef1e7870cad1d0201d736a31b48187f53a71a9b
blob - 69178e929ce553d54f8921261cb0fd94d8bc4554
blob + f35dfb7161a42cd51467d824a8226b07c38f8f37
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ casual use, an `install-local' target that only copies
 At the moment plass is completely compatible with pass, the same gpg
 commands are used to decrypt and encrypt the passwords entries.  In
-the future, I'd like to switch the encryption tool to either signify
-or age.
+the future, I'd like to switch the encryption tool to something
+different from gpg.
 ## License