Commit Diff

commit - 3176451b7d9f77490576c31fa18fcdd7272efaf3
commit + 0f7e6318a79e7c729d68083217fdca29b4966f65
blob - a51d7ef35c8b41008cf147e7c5a477c67c80f015
blob + 44a0255d14825aca8f60307e62110e8750b01c96
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ things that you can help develop :)
  - subscriptions
  - tofu oob verification
  - client certificates
- - add other GUIs: atm it uses only ncurses, but telescope shouldn't
-   be restricted to TTYs only!
+ - add other GUIs: at the moment it uses only ncurses, but telescope
+   shouldn't be restricted to TTYs only!
 ![Telescope new tab](images/about-new.png)