Commit Diff

commit - b968422f51732c492ff4081786b713ace99835c1
commit + 100ec44e5170878bbd7fd28f7f68d884d0618173
blob - 88102c897a19532ab7c51728f877b328da2a9d65
blob + 5e65a29c84eea39e826ea6c33ae084da2ef746bb
--- src/cmd/devdraw/
+++ src/cmd/devdraw/
@@ -47,7 +47,11 @@ if [ $WSYSTYPE = x11 ]; then
 	XO=`ls x11-*.c 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\.c$/.o/'`
 elif [ $WSYSTYPE = osx ]; then
-	echo 'WSYSOFILES=$WSYSOFILES osx-screen.o osx-draw.o osx-srv.o'
+	if [ -d /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework ]; then
+		echo 'LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks'
+	fi
+	echo 'WSYSOFILES=$WSYSOFILES osx-screen-carbon-objc.o osx-draw.o osx-srv.o'
 elif [ $WSYSTYPE = nowsys ]; then
 	echo 'WSYSOFILES=nowsys.o'
blob - f6ed3e930bff63c59aa109b0b0999736028a06f4 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- src/cmd/devdraw/osx-screen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
-#define Point OSXPoint
-#define Rect OSXRect
-#define Cursor OSXCursor
-#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-#undef Rect
-#undef Point
-#undef Cursor
-#undef offsetof
-#undef nil
-#include "u.h"
-#include "libc.h"
-#include <thread.h>
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <memdraw.h>
-#include <keyboard.h>
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include <cursor.h>
-#include "osx-screen.h"
-#include "osx-keycodes.h"
-#include "devdraw.h"
-#include "glendapng.h"
-#define panic sysfatal
-extern Rectangle mouserect;
-struct {
-	char *label;
-	char *winsize;
-	QLock labellock;
-	Rectangle fullscreenr;
-	Rectangle screenr;
-	Memimage *screenimage;
-	int isfullscreen;
-	ulong fullscreentime;
-	Point xy;
-	int buttons;
-	int kbuttons;
-	CGDataProviderRef provider;
-	MenuRef wmenu;
-	MenuRef vmenu;
-	WindowRef window;
-	CGImageRef image;
-	CGContextRef windowctx;
-	PasteboardRef snarf;
-	int needflush;
-	QLock flushlock;
-	int active;
-	int infullscreen;
-	int kalting;		// last keystroke was Kalt
-} osx;
-	WindowAttrs =
-		kWindowCloseBoxAttribute |
-		kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute |
-		kWindowResizableAttribute |
-		kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute |
-		kWindowFullZoomAttribute
-	P9PEventLabelUpdate = 1
-static void screenproc(void*);
-static void eresized(int);
-static void fullscreen(int);
-static void seticon(void);
-static void activated(int);
-static OSStatus quithandler(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void*);
-static OSStatus eventhandler(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void*);
-static OSStatus cmdhandler(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void*);
-	CmdFullScreen = 1,
-void screeninit(void);
-void _flushmemscreen(Rectangle r);
-attachscreen(char *label, char *winsize)
-	if(label == nil)
-		label = "gnot a label";
-	osx.label = strdup(label);
-	osx.winsize = winsize;
-	if(osx.screenimage == nil){
-		screeninit();
-		if(osx.screenimage == nil)
-			panic("cannot create OS X screen");
-	}
-	return osx.screenimage;
-	CGRect cgr;
-	OSXRect or;
-	Rectangle r;
-	int havemin;
-	memimageinit();
-	ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
-	TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);
-	SetFrontProcess(&psn);
-	cgr = CGDisplayBounds(CGMainDisplayID());
-	osx.fullscreenr = Rect(0, 0, cgr.size.width, cgr.size.height);
-	InitCursor();
-	// Create minimal menu with full-screen option.
-	ClearMenuBar();
-	CreateStandardWindowMenu(0, &osx.wmenu);
-	InsertMenu(osx.wmenu, 0);
-	MenuItemIndex ix;
-	CreateNewMenu(1004, 0, &osx.vmenu);	// XXX 1004?
-	SetMenuTitleWithCFString(osx.vmenu, CFSTR("View"));
-	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(osx.vmenu,
-		CFSTR("Full Screen"), 0, CmdFullScreen, &ix);
-	SetMenuItemCommandKey(osx.vmenu, ix, 0, 'F');
-	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(osx.vmenu,
-		CFSTR("Cmd-F exits full screen"),
-		kMenuItemAttrDisabled, CmdFullScreen, &ix);
-	InsertMenu(osx.vmenu, GetMenuID(osx.wmenu));
-	DrawMenuBar();
-	// Create the window.
-	r = Rect(0, 0, Dx(osx.fullscreenr)*2/3, Dy(osx.fullscreenr)*2/3);
-	havemin = 0;
-	if(osx.winsize && osx.winsize[0]){
-		if(parsewinsize(osx.winsize, &r, &havemin) < 0)
-			sysfatal("%r");
-	}
-	if(!havemin)
-		r = rectaddpt(r, Pt((Dx(osx.fullscreenr)-Dx(r))/2, (Dy(osx.fullscreenr)-Dy(r))/2));
-	or.left = r.min.x;
- = r.min.y;
-	or.right = r.max.x;
-	or.bottom = r.max.y;
-	CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, WindowAttrs, &or, &osx.window);
-	setlabel(osx.label);
-	seticon();
-	// Set up the clip board.
-	if(PasteboardCreate(kPasteboardClipboard, &osx.snarf) != noErr)
-		panic("pasteboard create");
-	// Explain in great detail which events we want to handle.
-	// Why can't we just have one handler?
-	const EventTypeSpec quits[] = {
-		{ kEventClassApplication, kEventAppQuit }
-	};
-	const EventTypeSpec cmds[] = {
-		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClosed },
-		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanged },
-		{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess },
-		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowActivated },
-		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDeactivated },
-	};
-	const EventTypeSpec events[] = {
-		{ kEventClassApplication, kEventAppShown },
-		{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown },
-		{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged },
-		{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat },
-		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown },
-		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseUp },
-		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseMoved },
-		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDragged },
-		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseWheelMoved },
-		{ 'P9PE', P9PEventLabelUpdate}
-	};
-	InstallApplicationEventHandler(
-		NewEventHandlerUPP(quithandler),
-		nelem(quits), quits, nil, nil);
- 	InstallApplicationEventHandler(
- 		NewEventHandlerUPP(eventhandler),
-		nelem(events), events, nil, nil);
-	InstallWindowEventHandler(osx.window,
-		NewEventHandlerUPP(cmdhandler),
-		nelem(cmds), cmds, osx.window, nil);
-	// Finally, put the window on the screen.
-	ShowWindow(osx.window);
-	ShowMenuBar();
-	eresized(0);
-	SelectWindow(osx.window);
-	InitCursor();
-static Rendez scr;
-static QLock slock;
-	scr.l = &slock;
-	qlock(scr.l);
-	proccreate(screenproc, nil, 256*1024);
-	while(osx.window == nil)
-		rsleep(&scr);
-	qunlock(scr.l);
-static void
-screenproc(void *v)
-	qlock(scr.l);
-	_screeninit();
-	rwakeup(&scr);
-	qunlock(scr.l);
-	RunApplicationEventLoop();
-static OSStatus kbdevent(EventRef);
-static OSStatus mouseevent(EventRef);
-static OSStatus
-cmdhandler(EventHandlerCallRef next, EventRef event, void *arg)
-	return eventhandler(next, event, arg);
-static OSStatus
-quithandler(EventHandlerCallRef next, EventRef event, void *arg)
-	exit(0);
-	return 0;
-static OSStatus
-eventhandler(EventHandlerCallRef next, EventRef event, void *arg)
-	OSStatus result;
-	result = CallNextEventHandler(next, event);
-	switch(GetEventClass(event)){
-	case 'P9PE':
-		if (GetEventKind(event) == P9PEventLabelUpdate) {
-			qlock(&osx.labellock);
-			setlabel(osx.label);
-			qunlock(&osx.labellock);
-			return noErr;
-		} else
-			return eventNotHandledErr;
-	case kEventClassApplication:;
-		Rectangle r = Rect(0, 0, Dx(osx.screenr), Dy(osx.screenr));
-		_flushmemscreen(r);
-		return eventNotHandledErr;
-	case kEventClassKeyboard:
-		return kbdevent(event);
-	case kEventClassMouse:
-		return mouseevent(event);
-	case kEventClassCommand:;
-		HICommand cmd;
-		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject,
-			typeHICommand, nil, sizeof cmd, nil, &cmd);
-		switch(cmd.commandID){
-		case kHICommandQuit:
-			exit(0);
-		case CmdFullScreen:
-			fullscreen(1);
-			break;
-		default:
-			return eventNotHandledErr;
-		}
-		break;
-	case kEventClassWindow:
-		switch(GetEventKind(event)){
-		case kEventWindowClosed:
-			exit(0);
-		case kEventWindowBoundsChanged:
-			eresized(1);
-			break;
-		case kEventWindowActivated:
-			activated(1);
-			return eventNotHandledErr;
-		case kEventWindowDeactivated:
-			activated(0);
-			return eventNotHandledErr;
-		default:
-			return eventNotHandledErr;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return result;
-static ulong
-	return nsec()/1000000;
-static OSStatus
-mouseevent(EventRef event)
-	int wheel;
-	OSXPoint op;
-	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseLocation,
-		typeQDPoint, 0, sizeof op, 0, &op);
-	osx.xy = subpt(Pt(op.h, op.v), osx.screenr.min);
-	wheel = 0;
-	switch(GetEventKind(event)){
-	case kEventMouseWheelMoved:;
-		SInt32 delta;
-		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseWheelDelta,
-			typeSInt32, 0, sizeof delta, 0, &delta);
-		if(delta > 0)
-			wheel = 8;
-		else
-			wheel = 16;
-		break;
-	case kEventMouseDown:
-	case kEventMouseUp:;
-		UInt32 but, mod;
-		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseChord,
-			typeUInt32, 0, sizeof but, 0, &but);
-		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers,
-			typeUInt32, 0, sizeof mod, 0, &mod);
-		// OS X swaps button 2 and 3
-		but = (but & ~6) | ((but & 4)>>1) | ((but&2)<<1);
-		but = mouseswap(but);
-		// Apply keyboard modifiers and pretend it was a real mouse button.
-		// (Modifiers typed while holding the button go into kbuttons,
-		// but this one does not.)
-		if(but == 1){
-			if(mod & optionKey) {
-				// Take the ALT away from the keyboard handler.
-				if(osx.kalting) {
-					osx.kalting = 0;
-					keystroke(Kalt);
-				}
-				but = 2;
-			}
-			else if(mod & cmdKey)
-				but = 4;
-		}
-		osx.buttons = but;
-		break;
-	case kEventMouseMoved:
-	case kEventMouseDragged:
-		break;
-	default:
-		return eventNotHandledErr;
-	}
-	mousetrack(osx.xy.x, osx.xy.y, osx.buttons|osx.kbuttons|wheel, msec());
-	return noErr;	
-static int keycvt[] =
-	[QZ_IBOOK_ENTER] '\n',
-	[QZ_RETURN] '\n',
-	[QZ_ESCAPE] 27,
-	[QZ_BACKSPACE] '\b',
-	[QZ_LALT] Kalt,
-	[QZ_LCTRL] Kctl,
-	[QZ_LSHIFT] Kshift,
-	[QZ_F1] KF+1,
-	[QZ_F2] KF+2,
-	[QZ_F3] KF+3,
-	[QZ_F4] KF+4,
-	[QZ_F5] KF+5,
-	[QZ_F6] KF+6,
-	[QZ_F7] KF+7,
-	[QZ_F8] KF+8,
-	[QZ_F9] KF+9,
-	[QZ_F10] KF+10,
-	[QZ_F11] KF+11,
-	[QZ_F12] KF+12,
-	[QZ_INSERT] Kins,
-	[QZ_DELETE] 0x7F,
-	[QZ_HOME] Khome,
-	[QZ_END] Kend,
-	[QZ_KP_PLUS] '+',
-	[QZ_KP_MINUS] '-',
-	[QZ_TAB] '\t',
-	[QZ_PAGEUP] Kpgup,
-	[QZ_PAGEDOWN] Kpgdown,
-	[QZ_UP] Kup,
-	[QZ_DOWN] Kdown,
-	[QZ_LEFT] Kleft,
-	[QZ_RIGHT] Kright,
-	[QZ_KP_DIVIDE] '/',
-	[QZ_KP_ENTER] '\n',
-	[QZ_KP_PERIOD] '.',
-	[QZ_KP0] '0',
-	[QZ_KP1] '1',
-	[QZ_KP2] '2',
-	[QZ_KP3] '3',
-	[QZ_KP4] '4',
-	[QZ_KP5] '5',
-	[QZ_KP6] '6',
-	[QZ_KP7] '7',
-	[QZ_KP8] '8',
-	[QZ_KP9] '9',
-static OSStatus
-kbdevent(EventRef event)
-	char ch;
-	UInt32 code;
-	UInt32 mod;
-	int k;
-	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes,
-		typeChar, nil, sizeof ch, nil, &ch);
-	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyCode,
-		typeUInt32, nil, sizeof code, nil, &code);
-	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers,
-		typeUInt32, nil, sizeof mod, nil, &mod);
-	switch(GetEventKind(event)){
-	case kEventRawKeyDown:
-	case kEventRawKeyRepeat:
-		osx.kalting = 0;
-		if(mod == cmdKey){
-			if(ch == 'F' || ch == 'f'){
-				if(osx.isfullscreen && msec() - osx.fullscreentime > 500)
-					fullscreen(0);
-				return noErr;
-			}
-			// Pass most Cmd keys through as Kcmd + ch.
-			// OS X interprets a few no matter what we do,
-			// so it is useless to pass them through as keystrokes too.
-			switch(ch) {
-			case 'm':	// minimize window
-			case 'h':	// hide window
-			case 'H':	// hide others
-			case 'q':	// quit
-				return eventNotHandledErr;
-			}
-			if(' ' <= ch && ch <= '~') {
-				keystroke(Kcmd + ch);
-				return noErr;
-			}
-			return eventNotHandledErr;
-		}
-		k = ch;
-		if(code < nelem(keycvt) && keycvt[code])
-			k = keycvt[code];
-		if(k == 0)
-			return noErr;
-		else if(k > 0)
-			keystroke(k);
-		else{
-			UniChar uc;
-			OSStatus s;
-			s = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyUnicodes,
-				typeUnicodeText, nil, sizeof uc, nil, &uc);
-			if(s == noErr)
-				keystroke(uc);
-		}
-		break;
-	case kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged:
-		if(!osx.buttons && !osx.kbuttons){
-			if(mod == optionKey) {
-				osx.kalting = 1;
-				keystroke(Kalt);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		// If the mouse button is being held down, treat 
-		// changes in the keyboard modifiers as changes
-		// in the mouse buttons.
-		osx.kbuttons = 0;
-		if(mod & optionKey)
-			osx.kbuttons |= 2;
-		if(mod & cmdKey)
-			osx.kbuttons |= 4;
-		mousetrack(osx.xy.x, osx.xy.y, osx.buttons|osx.kbuttons, msec());
-		break;
-	}
-	return noErr;
-static void
-eresized(int new)
-	Memimage *m;
-	OSXRect or;
-	ulong chan;
-	Rectangle r;
-	int bpl;
-	CGDataProviderRef provider;
-	CGImageRef image;
-	CGColorSpaceRef cspace;
-	GetWindowBounds(osx.window, kWindowContentRgn, &or);
-	r = Rect(or.left,, or.right, or.bottom);
-	if(Dx(r) == Dx(osx.screenr) && Dy(r) == Dy(osx.screenr)){
-		// No need to make new image.
-		osx.screenr = r;
-		return;
-	}
-	chan = XBGR32;
-	m = allocmemimage(Rect(0, 0, Dx(r), Dy(r)), chan);
-	if(m == nil)
-		panic("allocmemimage: %r");
-	if(m->data == nil)
-		panic("m->data == nil");
-	bpl = bytesperline(r, 32);
-	provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(0,
-		m->data->bdata, Dy(r)*bpl, 0);
-	//cspace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);
-	cspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
-	image = CGImageCreate(Dx(r), Dy(r), 8, 32, bpl,
-		cspace,
-		kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast,
-		provider, 0, 0, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
-	CGColorSpaceRelease(cspace);
-	CGDataProviderRelease(provider);	// CGImageCreate did incref
-	mouserect = m->r;
-	if(new){
-		mouseresized = 1;
-		mousetrack(osx.xy.x, osx.xy.y, osx.buttons|osx.kbuttons, msec());
-	}
-//	termreplacescreenimage(m);
-	_drawreplacescreenimage(m);	// frees old osx.screenimage if any
-	if(osx.image)
-		CGImageRelease(osx.image);
-	osx.image = image;
-	osx.screenimage = m;
-	osx.screenr = r;
-	// I'm not 100% sure why this is necessary
-	// but otherwise some resizes (esp. vertical ones)
-	// stop updating the screen.
-	qlock(&osx.flushlock);
-	QDEndCGContext(GetWindowPort(osx.window), &osx.windowctx);
-	osx.windowctx = nil;
-	qunlock(&osx.flushlock);
-flushproc(void *v)
-	for(;;){
-		if(osx.needflush && osx.windowctx && canqlock(&osx.flushlock)){
-			if(osx.windowctx){
-				CGContextFlush(osx.windowctx);
-				osx.needflush = 0;
-			}
-			qunlock(&osx.flushlock);
-		}
-		usleep(33333);
-	}
-_flushmemscreen(Rectangle r)
-	CGRect cgr;
-	CGImageRef subimg;
-	qlock(&osx.flushlock);
-	if(osx.windowctx == nil){
-		QDBeginCGContext(GetWindowPort(osx.window), &osx.windowctx);
-		proccreate(flushproc, nil, 256*1024);
-	}
-	cgr.origin.x = r.min.x;
-	cgr.origin.y = r.min.y;
-	cgr.size.width = Dx(r);
-	cgr.size.height = Dy(r);
-	subimg = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(osx.image, cgr);
-	cgr.origin.y = Dy(osx.screenr) - r.max.y; // XXX how does this make any sense?
-	CGContextDrawImage(osx.windowctx, cgr, subimg);
-	osx.needflush = 1;
-	qunlock(&osx.flushlock);
-	CGImageRelease(subimg);
-activated(int active)
- = active;
-fullscreen(int wascmd)
-	static OSXRect oldrect;
-	GDHandle device;
-	OSXRect dr;
-	if(!wascmd)
-		return;
-	if(!osx.isfullscreen){
-		GetWindowGreatestAreaDevice(osx.window,
-			kWindowTitleBarRgn, &device, nil);
-		dr = (*device)->gdRect;
-		if( == 0 && dr.left == 0)
-			HideMenuBar();
-		GetWindowBounds(osx.window, kWindowContentRgn, &oldrect);
-		ChangeWindowAttributes(osx.window,
-			kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute,
-			kWindowResizableAttribute);
-		MoveWindow(osx.window, 0, 0, 1);
-		MoveWindow(osx.window, dr.left,, 0);
-		SizeWindow(osx.window,
-			dr.right - dr.left,
-			dr.bottom -, 0);
-		osx.isfullscreen = 1;
-	}else{
-		ShowMenuBar();
-		ChangeWindowAttributes(osx.window,
-			kWindowResizableAttribute,
-			kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute);
-		SizeWindow(osx.window,
-			oldrect.right - oldrect.left,
-			oldrect.bottom -, 0);
-		MoveWindow(osx.window, oldrect.left,, 0);
-		osx.isfullscreen = 0;
-	}
-	eresized(1);
-setmouse(Point p)
-	CGPoint cgp;
-	cgp.x = p.x + osx.screenr.min.x;
-	cgp.y = p.y + osx.screenr.min.y;
-	CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(cgp);
-setcursor(Cursor *c)
-	OSXCursor oc;
-	int i;
-	if(c == nil){
-		InitCursor();
-		return;
-	}
-	// SetCursor is deprecated, but what replaces it?
-	for(i=0; i<16; i++){
-[i] = ((ushort*)c->set)[i];
-		oc.mask[i] =[i] | ((ushort*)c->clr)[i];
-	}
-	oc.hotSpot.h = - c->offset.x;
-	oc.hotSpot.v = - c->offset.y;
-	SetCursor(&oc);
-getcolor(ulong i, ulong *r, ulong *g, ulong *b)
-	ulong v;
-	v = 0;
-	*r = (v>>16)&0xFF;
-	*g = (v>>8)&0xFF;
-	*b = v&0xFF;
-setcolor(ulong i, ulong r, ulong g, ulong b)
-	/* no-op */
-	return 0;
-hwdraw(Memdrawparam *p)
-	return 0;
-struct {
-	QLock lk;
-	char buf[SnarfSize];
-	Rune rbuf[SnarfSize];
-	PasteboardRef apple;
-} clip;
-	char *s;
-	CFArrayRef flavors;
-	CFDataRef data;
-	CFIndex nflavor, ndata, j;
-	CFStringRef type;
-	ItemCount nitem;
-	PasteboardItemID id;
-	PasteboardSyncFlags flags;
-	UInt32 i;
-	u16int *u;
-	Fmt fmt;
-	Rune r;
-/*	fprint(2, "applegetsnarf\n"); */
-	qlock(&;
- = osx.snarf;
-	if( == nil){
-		if(PasteboardCreate(kPasteboardClipboard, & != noErr){
-			fprint(2, "apple pasteboard create failed\n");
-			qunlock(&;
-			return nil;
-		}
-	}
-	flags = PasteboardSynchronize(;
-	if(flags&kPasteboardClientIsOwner){
-		s = strdup(clip.buf);
-		qunlock(&;
-		return s;
-	}
-	if(PasteboardGetItemCount(, &nitem) != noErr){
-		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard get item count failed\n");
-		qunlock(&;
-		return nil;
-	}
-	for(i=1; i<=nitem; i++){
-		if(PasteboardGetItemIdentifier(, i, &id) != noErr)
-			continue;
-		if(PasteboardCopyItemFlavors(, id, &flavors) != noErr)
-			continue;
-		nflavor = CFArrayGetCount(flavors);
-		for(j=0; j<nflavor; j++){
-			type = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(flavors, j);
-			if(!UTTypeConformsTo(type, CFSTR("public.utf16-plain-text")))
-				continue;
-			if(PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData(, id, type, &data) != noErr)
-				continue;
-			qunlock(&;
-			ndata = CFDataGetLength(data)/2;
-			u = (u16int*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
-			fmtstrinit(&fmt);
-			// decode utf-16.  what was apple thinking?
-			for(i=0; i<ndata; i++) {
-				r = u[i];
-				if(0xd800 <= r && r < 0xdc00 && i+1 < ndata && 0xdc00 <= u[i+1] && u[i+1] < 0xe000) {
-					r = (((r - 0xd800)<<10) |  (u[i+1] - 0xdc00)) + 0x10000;
-					i++;
-				}
-				else if(0xd800 <= r && r < 0xe000)
-					r = Runeerror;
-				if(r == '\r')
-					r = '\n';
-				fmtrune(&fmt, r);
-			}
-			CFRelease(flavors);
-			CFRelease(data);
-			return fmtstrflush(&fmt);
-		}
-		CFRelease(flavors);
-	}
-	qunlock(&;
-	return nil;		
-putsnarf(char *s)
-	CFDataRef cfdata;
-	PasteboardSyncFlags flags;
-	u16int *u, *p;
-	Rune r;
-	int i;
-/*	fprint(2, "appleputsnarf\n"); */
-	if(strlen(s) >= SnarfSize)
-		return;
-	qlock(&;
-	strcpy(clip.buf, s);
-	runesnprint(clip.rbuf, nelem(clip.rbuf), "%s", s);
- = osx.snarf;
-	if(PasteboardClear( != noErr){
-		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard clear failed\n");
-		qunlock(&;
-		return;
-	}
-	flags = PasteboardSynchronize(;
-	if((flags&kPasteboardModified) || !(flags&kPasteboardClientIsOwner)){
-		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard cannot assert ownership\n");
-		qunlock(&;
-		return;
-	}
-	u = malloc(runestrlen(clip.rbuf)*4);
-	p = u;
-	for(i=0; clip.rbuf[i]; i++) {
-		r = clip.rbuf[i];
-		// convert to utf-16
-		if(0xd800 <= r && r < 0xe000)
-			r = Runeerror;
-		if(r >= 0x10000) {
-			r -= 0x10000;
-			*p++ = 0xd800 + (r>>10);
-			*p++ = 0xdc00 + (r & ((1<<10)-1));
-		} else
-			*p++ = r;
-	}
-	cfdata = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 
-		(uchar*)u, (p-u)*2);
-	free(u);
-	if(cfdata == nil){
-		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard cfdatacreate failed\n");
-		qunlock(&;
-		return;
-	}
-	if(PasteboardPutItemFlavor(, (PasteboardItemID)1,
-		CFSTR("public.utf16-plain-text"), cfdata, 0) != noErr){
-		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard putitem failed\n");
-		CFRelease(cfdata);
-		qunlock(&;
-		return;
-	}
-	CFRelease(cfdata);
-	qunlock(&;
-setlabel(char *label)
-	CFStringRef cs;
-	cs = CFStringCreateWithBytes(nil, (uchar*)label, strlen(label), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
-	SetWindowTitleWithCFString(osx.window, cs);
-	CFRelease(cs);
-kicklabel(char *label)
-	char *p;
-	EventRef e;
-	p = strdup(label);
-	if(p == nil)
-		return;
-	qlock(&osx.labellock);
-	free(osx.label);
-	osx.label = p;
-	qunlock(&osx.labellock);
-	CreateEvent(nil, 'P9PE', P9PEventLabelUpdate, 0, kEventAttributeUserEvent, &e);
-	PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), e, kEventPriorityStandard);
-static void
-	CGImageRef im;
-	CGDataProviderRef d;
-	d = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(nil, glenda_png, sizeof glenda_png, nil);
-	im = CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider(d, nil, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
-	if(im)
-		SetApplicationDockTileImage(im);
-	CGImageRelease(im);
-	CGDataProviderRelease(d);
blob - /dev/null
blob + 20bdb4ca1af9d939f770c7907989218e976568cf (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/cmd/devdraw/osx-screen-carbon.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@
+#define Point OSXPoint
+#define Rect OSXRect
+#define Cursor OSXCursor
+#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+#undef Rect
+#undef Point
+#undef Cursor
+#undef offsetof
+#undef nil
+#include "u.h"
+#include "libc.h"
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <memdraw.h>
+#include <keyboard.h>
+#include "mouse.h"
+#include <cursor.h>
+#include "osx-screen.h"
+#include "osx-keycodes.h"
+#include "devdraw.h"
+#include "glendapng.h"
+#define panic sysfatal
+extern Rectangle mouserect;
+struct {
+	char *label;
+	char *winsize;
+	QLock labellock;
+	Rectangle fullscreenr;
+	Rectangle screenr;
+	Memimage *screenimage;
+	int isfullscreen;
+	ulong fullscreentime;
+	Point xy;
+	int buttons;
+	int kbuttons;
+	CGDataProviderRef provider;
+	MenuRef wmenu;
+	MenuRef vmenu;
+	WindowRef window;
+	CGImageRef image;
+	CGContextRef windowctx;
+	PasteboardRef snarf;
+	int needflush;
+	QLock flushlock;
+	int active;
+	int infullscreen;
+	int kalting;		// last keystroke was Kalt
+	int touched;		// last mouse event was touchCallback
+	NSMutableArray* devicelist;
+} osx;
+ These structs are required, in order to handle some parameters returned from the 
+ Support.framework 
+ */ 
+typedef struct { 
+	float x; 
+	float y; 
+typedef struct { 
+	mtPoint position; 
+	mtPoint velocity; 
+ Some reversed engineered informations from MultiTouchSupport.framework 
+ */ 
+typedef struct 
+	int frame; //the current frame 
+	double timestamp; //event timestamp 
+	int identifier; //identifier guaranteed unique for life of touch per device 
+	int state; //the current state (not sure what the values mean) 
+	int unknown1; //no idea what this does 
+	int unknown2; //no idea what this does either 
+	mtReadout normalized; //the normalized position and vector of the touch (0,0 to 1,1) 
+	float size; //the size of the touch (the area of your finger being tracked) 
+	int unknown3; //no idea what this does 
+	float angle; //the angle of the touch -| 
+	float majorAxis; //the major axis of the touch -|-- an ellipsoid. you can track the angle of each finger! 
+	float minorAxis; //the minor axis of the touch -| 
+	mtReadout unknown4; //not sure what this is for 
+	int unknown5[2]; //no clue 
+	float unknown6; //no clue 
+//a reference pointer for the multitouch device 
+typedef void *MTDeviceRef; 
+//the prototype for the callback function 
+typedef int (*MTContactCallbackFunction)(int,Touch*,int,double,int); 
+//returns a pointer to the default device (the trackpad?) 
+MTDeviceRef MTDeviceCreateDefault(void); 
+//returns a CFMutableArrayRef array of all multitouch devices 
+CFMutableArrayRef MTDeviceCreateList(void); 
+//registers a device's frame callback to your callback function 
+void MTRegisterContactFrameCallback(MTDeviceRef, MTContactCallbackFunction); 
+//start sending events 
+void MTDeviceStart(MTDeviceRef, int); 
+void MTDeviceStop(MTDeviceRef); 
+#define kNTracks 10
+struct TouchTrack {
+	int id;
+	float firstThreshTime;
+	mtPoint pos;
+} tracks[kNTracks];
+#define kSizeSensitivity 1.25f
+#define kTimeSensitivity 0.03f /* seconds */
+#define kButtonLimit 0.6f /* percentage from base of pad */
+findTrack(int id)
+	int i;
+	for(i = 0; i < kNTracks; ++i)
+		if(tracks[i].id == id)
+			return i;
+	return -1;
+#define kMoveSensitivity 0.05f
+moved(mtPoint a, mtPoint b)
+	if(fabs(a.x - b.x) > kMoveSensitivity)
+		return 1;
+	if(fabs(a.y - b.y) > kMoveSensitivity)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+classifyTouch(Touch *t)
+	mtPoint p;
+	int i;
+	p = t->normalized.position;
+	i = findTrack(t->identifier);
+	if(i == -1) {
+		i = findTrack(-1);
+		if(i == -1)
+			return 0;	// No empty tracks.
+		tracks[i].id = t->identifier;
+		tracks[i].firstThreshTime = t->timestamp;
+		tracks[i].pos = p;
+		// we don't have a touch yet - we wait kTimeSensitivity before reporting it.
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(t->size == 0) { // lost touch
+		tracks[i].id = -1;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(t->size < kSizeSensitivity) {
+		tracks[i].firstThreshTime = t->timestamp;
+	}
+	if((t->timestamp - tracks[i].firstThreshTime) < kTimeSensitivity) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(p.y > kButtonLimit && t->size > kSizeSensitivity ) {
+		if(p.x < 0.35)
+			return 1;
+		if(p.x > 0.65)
+			return 4;
+		if(p.x > 0.35 && p.x < 0.65)
+			return 2;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static ulong msec(void);
+touchCallback(int device, Touch *data, int nFingers, double timestamp, int frame)
+	int buttons, delta, i;
+	static int obuttons;
+	CGPoint p;
+	CGEventRef e;
+	osx.touched = 1;
+	buttons = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < nFingers; ++i)
+		buttons |= classifyTouch(data+i);
+	delta = buttons ^ obuttons;
+	obuttons = buttons;
+	p.x = osx.xy.x+osx.screenr.min.x;
+	p.y = osx.xy.y+osx.screenr.min.y;
+	if(delta & 1) {
+		e = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(NULL, 
+			(buttons & 1) ? kCGEventOtherMouseDown : kCGEventOtherMouseUp, 
+			p,
+			29);
+		CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, e);
+		CFRelease(e);
+	}
+	if(delta & 2) {
+		e = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(NULL,
+			(buttons & 2) ? kCGEventOtherMouseDown : kCGEventOtherMouseUp, 
+			p,
+			30);
+		CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, e);
+		CFRelease(e);
+	}
+	if(delta & 4){
+		e = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(NULL, 
+			(buttons & 4) ? kCGEventOtherMouseDown : kCGEventOtherMouseUp, 
+			p,
+			31);
+		CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, e);
+		CFRelease(e);
+	}
+	return delta != 0;
+	return 0;
+extern int multitouch;
+	WindowAttrs =
+		kWindowCloseBoxAttribute |
+		kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute |
+		kWindowResizableAttribute |
+		kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute |
+		kWindowFullZoomAttribute
+	P9PEventLabelUpdate = 1
+static void screenproc(void*);
+static void eresized(int);
+static void fullscreen(int);
+static void seticon(void);
+static void activated(int);
+static OSStatus quithandler(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void*);
+static OSStatus eventhandler(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void*);
+static OSStatus cmdhandler(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void*);
+	CmdFullScreen = 1,
+void screeninit(void);
+void _flushmemscreen(Rectangle r);
+static void
+	int i;
+	/*
+	 * Setup multitouch queues
+	 */
+	if(!multitouch)
+		return;
+	for(i = 0; i<kNTracks; ++i)
+		tracks[i].id = -1;
+	osx.devicelist = (NSMutableArray*)MTDeviceCreateList(); //grab our device list 
+	for(i = 0; i<[osx.devicelist count]; i++) { //iterate available devices 
+		MTRegisterContactFrameCallback([osx.devicelist objectAtIndex:i], touchCallback); //assign callback for device 
+	}
+attachscreen(char *label, char *winsize)
+	if(label == nil)
+		label = "gnot a label";
+	osx.label = strdup(label);
+	osx.winsize = winsize;
+	if(osx.screenimage == nil){
+		screeninit();
+		if(osx.screenimage == nil)
+			panic("cannot create OS X screen");
+	}
+	return osx.screenimage;
+extern int multitouch;
+	CGRect cgr;
+	OSXRect or;
+	Rectangle r;
+	int havemin;
+	memimageinit();
+	ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
+	TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);
+	SetFrontProcess(&psn);
+	cgr = CGDisplayBounds(CGMainDisplayID());
+	osx.fullscreenr = Rect(0, 0, cgr.size.width, cgr.size.height);
+	InitCursor();
+	// Create minimal menu with full-screen option.
+	ClearMenuBar();
+	CreateStandardWindowMenu(0, &osx.wmenu);
+	InsertMenu(osx.wmenu, 0);
+	MenuItemIndex ix;
+	CreateNewMenu(1004, 0, &osx.vmenu);	// XXX 1004?
+	SetMenuTitleWithCFString(osx.vmenu, CFSTR("View"));
+	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(osx.vmenu,
+		CFSTR("Full Screen"), 0, CmdFullScreen, &ix);
+	SetMenuItemCommandKey(osx.vmenu, ix, 0, 'F');
+	AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(osx.vmenu,
+		CFSTR("Cmd-F exits full screen"),
+		kMenuItemAttrDisabled, CmdFullScreen, &ix);
+	InsertMenu(osx.vmenu, GetMenuID(osx.wmenu));
+	DrawMenuBar();
+	// Create the window.
+	r = Rect(0, 0, Dx(osx.fullscreenr)*2/3, Dy(osx.fullscreenr)*2/3);
+	havemin = 0;
+	if(osx.winsize && osx.winsize[0]){
+		if(parsewinsize(osx.winsize, &r, &havemin) < 0)
+			sysfatal("%r");
+	}
+	if(!havemin)
+		r = rectaddpt(r, Pt((Dx(osx.fullscreenr)-Dx(r))/2, (Dy(osx.fullscreenr)-Dy(r))/2));
+	or.left = r.min.x;
+ = r.min.y;
+	or.right = r.max.x;
+	or.bottom = r.max.y;
+	CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, WindowAttrs, &or, &osx.window);
+	setlabel(osx.label);
+	seticon();
+	// Set up the clip board.
+	if(PasteboardCreate(kPasteboardClipboard, &osx.snarf) != noErr)
+		panic("pasteboard create");
+	// Explain in great detail which events we want to handle.
+	// Why can't we just have one handler?
+	const EventTypeSpec quits[] = {
+		{ kEventClassApplication, kEventAppQuit }
+	};
+	const EventTypeSpec cmds[] = {
+		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClosed },
+		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanged },
+		{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess },
+		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowActivated },
+		{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDeactivated },
+	};
+	const EventTypeSpec events[] = {
+		{ kEventClassApplication, kEventAppShown },
+		{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown },
+		{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged },
+		{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat },
+		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown },
+		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseUp },
+		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseMoved },
+		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDragged },
+		{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseWheelMoved },
+		{ 'P9PE', P9PEventLabelUpdate}
+	};
+	InstallApplicationEventHandler(
+		NewEventHandlerUPP(quithandler),
+		nelem(quits), quits, nil, nil);
+ 	InstallApplicationEventHandler(
+ 		NewEventHandlerUPP(eventhandler),
+		nelem(events), events, nil, nil);
+	InstallWindowEventHandler(osx.window,
+		NewEventHandlerUPP(cmdhandler),
+		nelem(cmds), cmds, osx.window, nil);
+	// Finally, put the window on the screen.
+	ShowWindow(osx.window);
+	ShowMenuBar();
+	eresized(0);
+	SelectWindow(osx.window);
+	if(multitouch)
+		InitMultiTouch();
+	InitCursor();
+static Rendez scr;
+static QLock slock;
+	scr.l = &slock;
+	qlock(scr.l);
+	proccreate(screenproc, nil, 256*1024);
+	while(osx.window == nil)
+		rsleep(&scr);
+	qunlock(scr.l);
+static void
+screenproc(void *v)
+	qlock(scr.l);
+	_screeninit();
+	rwakeup(&scr);
+	qunlock(scr.l);
+	RunApplicationEventLoop();
+static OSStatus kbdevent(EventRef);
+static OSStatus mouseevent(EventRef);
+static OSStatus
+cmdhandler(EventHandlerCallRef next, EventRef event, void *arg)
+	return eventhandler(next, event, arg);
+static OSStatus
+quithandler(EventHandlerCallRef next, EventRef event, void *arg)
+	exit(0);
+	return 0;
+static OSStatus
+eventhandler(EventHandlerCallRef next, EventRef event, void *arg)
+	OSStatus result;
+	result = CallNextEventHandler(next, event);
+	switch(GetEventClass(event)){
+	case 'P9PE':
+		if(GetEventKind(event) == P9PEventLabelUpdate) {
+			qlock(&osx.labellock);
+			setlabel(osx.label);
+			qunlock(&osx.labellock);
+			return noErr;
+		} else
+			return eventNotHandledErr;
+	case kEventClassApplication:;
+		Rectangle r = Rect(0, 0, Dx(osx.screenr), Dy(osx.screenr));
+		_flushmemscreen(r);
+		return eventNotHandledErr;
+	case kEventClassKeyboard:
+		return kbdevent(event);
+	case kEventClassMouse:
+		return mouseevent(event);
+	case kEventClassCommand:;
+		HICommand cmd;
+		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject,
+			typeHICommand, nil, sizeof cmd, nil, &cmd);
+		switch(cmd.commandID){
+		case kHICommandQuit:
+			exit(0);
+		case CmdFullScreen:
+			fullscreen(1);
+			break;
+		default:
+			return eventNotHandledErr;
+		}
+		break;
+	case kEventClassWindow:
+		switch(GetEventKind(event)){
+		case kEventWindowClosed:
+			exit(0);
+		case kEventWindowBoundsChanged:
+			eresized(1);
+			break;
+		case kEventWindowActivated:
+			activated(1);
+			return eventNotHandledErr;
+		case kEventWindowDeactivated:
+			activated(0);
+			return eventNotHandledErr;
+		default:
+			return eventNotHandledErr;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	return result;
+static ulong
+	return nsec()/1000000;
+static OSStatus
+mouseevent(EventRef event)
+	int wheel;
+	OSXPoint op;
+	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseLocation,
+		typeQDPoint, 0, sizeof op, 0, &op);
+	osx.xy = subpt(Pt(op.h, op.v), osx.screenr.min);
+	wheel = 0;
+	switch(GetEventKind(event)){
+	case kEventMouseWheelMoved:;
+		SInt32 delta;
+		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseWheelDelta,
+			typeSInt32, 0, sizeof delta, 0, &delta);
+		// if I have any active touches in my region, I need to ignore the wheel motion.
+		//int i;
+		//for(i = 0; i < kNTracks; ++i) {
+		//	if(tracks[i].id != -1 && tracks[i].pos.y > kButtonLimit) break;
+		//}
+		//if(i == kNTracks) { // No active touches, go ahead and scroll.
+			if(delta > 0)
+				wheel = 8;
+			else
+				wheel = 16;
+		//}
+		break;
+	case kEventMouseDown:
+	case kEventMouseUp:;
+		UInt32 but, mod;
+		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseChord,
+			typeUInt32, 0, sizeof but, 0, &but);
+		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers,
+			typeUInt32, 0, sizeof mod, 0, &mod);
+		if(osx.touched) {
+			// in multitouch we use the clicks down to enable our 
+			// virtual buttons.
+			if(but & 0x3)
+				but = but >> 29;
+			else 
+				but = 0;
+			osx.touched = 0;
+		} else {
+			// OS X swaps button 2 and 3
+			but = (but & ~6) | ((but & 4)>>1) | ((but&2)<<1);
+			but = mouseswap(but);
+		}
+		// Apply keyboard modifiers and pretend it was a real mouse button.
+		// (Modifiers typed while holding the button go into kbuttons,
+		// but this one does not.)
+		if(but == 1){
+			if(mod & optionKey) {
+				// Take the ALT away from the keyboard handler.
+				if(osx.kalting) {
+					osx.kalting = 0;
+					keystroke(Kalt);
+				}
+				but = 2;
+			}
+			else if(mod & cmdKey)
+				but = 4;
+		}
+		osx.buttons = but;
+		break;
+	case kEventMouseMoved:
+	case kEventMouseDragged:
+		break;
+	default:
+		return eventNotHandledErr;
+	}
+	mousetrack(osx.xy.x, osx.xy.y, osx.buttons|osx.kbuttons|wheel, msec());
+	return noErr;	
+static int keycvt[] =
+	[QZ_IBOOK_ENTER] '\n',
+	[QZ_RETURN] '\n',
+	[QZ_ESCAPE] 27,
+	[QZ_BACKSPACE] '\b',
+	[QZ_LALT] Kalt,
+	[QZ_LCTRL] Kctl,
+	[QZ_LSHIFT] Kshift,
+	[QZ_F1] KF+1,
+	[QZ_F2] KF+2,
+	[QZ_F3] KF+3,
+	[QZ_F4] KF+4,
+	[QZ_F5] KF+5,
+	[QZ_F6] KF+6,
+	[QZ_F7] KF+7,
+	[QZ_F8] KF+8,
+	[QZ_F9] KF+9,
+	[QZ_F10] KF+10,
+	[QZ_F11] KF+11,
+	[QZ_F12] KF+12,
+	[QZ_INSERT] Kins,
+	[QZ_DELETE] 0x7F,
+	[QZ_HOME] Khome,
+	[QZ_END] Kend,
+	[QZ_KP_PLUS] '+',
+	[QZ_KP_MINUS] '-',
+	[QZ_TAB] '\t',
+	[QZ_PAGEUP] Kpgup,
+	[QZ_PAGEDOWN] Kpgdown,
+	[QZ_UP] Kup,
+	[QZ_DOWN] Kdown,
+	[QZ_LEFT] Kleft,
+	[QZ_RIGHT] Kright,
+	[QZ_KP_DIVIDE] '/',
+	[QZ_KP_ENTER] '\n',
+	[QZ_KP_PERIOD] '.',
+	[QZ_KP0] '0',
+	[QZ_KP1] '1',
+	[QZ_KP2] '2',
+	[QZ_KP3] '3',
+	[QZ_KP4] '4',
+	[QZ_KP5] '5',
+	[QZ_KP6] '6',
+	[QZ_KP7] '7',
+	[QZ_KP8] '8',
+	[QZ_KP9] '9',
+static OSStatus
+kbdevent(EventRef event)
+	char ch;
+	UInt32 code;
+	UInt32 mod;
+	int k;
+	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes,
+		typeChar, nil, sizeof ch, nil, &ch);
+	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyCode,
+		typeUInt32, nil, sizeof code, nil, &code);
+	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers,
+		typeUInt32, nil, sizeof mod, nil, &mod);
+	switch(GetEventKind(event)){
+	case kEventRawKeyDown:
+	case kEventRawKeyRepeat:
+		osx.kalting = 0;
+		if(mod == cmdKey){
+			if(ch == 'F' || ch == 'f'){
+				if(osx.isfullscreen && msec() - osx.fullscreentime > 500)
+					fullscreen(0);
+				return noErr;
+			}
+			// Pass most Cmd keys through as Kcmd + ch.
+			// OS X interprets a few no matter what we do,
+			// so it is useless to pass them through as keystrokes too.
+			switch(ch) {
+			case 'm':	// minimize window
+			case 'h':	// hide window
+			case 'H':	// hide others
+			case 'q':	// quit
+				return eventNotHandledErr;
+			}
+			if(' ' <= ch && ch <= '~') {
+				keystroke(Kcmd + ch);
+				return noErr;
+			}
+			return eventNotHandledErr;
+		}
+		k = ch;
+		if(code < nelem(keycvt) && keycvt[code])
+			k = keycvt[code];
+		if(k == 0)
+			return noErr;
+		if(k > 0)
+			keystroke(k);
+		else{
+			UniChar uc;
+			OSStatus s;
+			s = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyUnicodes,
+				typeUnicodeText, nil, sizeof uc, nil, &uc);
+			if(s == noErr)
+				keystroke(uc);
+		}
+		break;
+	case kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged:
+		if(!osx.buttons && !osx.kbuttons){
+			if(mod == optionKey) {
+				osx.kalting = 1;
+				keystroke(Kalt);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		// If the mouse button is being held down, treat 
+		// changes in the keyboard modifiers as changes
+		// in the mouse buttons.
+		osx.kbuttons = 0;
+		if(mod & optionKey)
+			osx.kbuttons |= 2;
+		if(mod & cmdKey)
+			osx.kbuttons |= 4;
+		mousetrack(osx.xy.x, osx.xy.y, osx.buttons|osx.kbuttons, msec());
+		break;
+	}
+	return noErr;
+static void
+eresized(int new)
+	Memimage *m;
+	OSXRect or;
+	ulong chan;
+	Rectangle r;
+	int bpl;
+	CGDataProviderRef provider;
+	CGImageRef image;
+	CGColorSpaceRef cspace;
+	GetWindowBounds(osx.window, kWindowContentRgn, &or);
+	r = Rect(or.left,, or.right, or.bottom);
+	if(Dx(r) == Dx(osx.screenr) && Dy(r) == Dy(osx.screenr)){
+		// No need to make new image.
+		osx.screenr = r;
+		return;
+	}
+	chan = XBGR32;
+	m = allocmemimage(Rect(0, 0, Dx(r), Dy(r)), chan);
+	if(m == nil)
+		panic("allocmemimage: %r");
+	if(m->data == nil)
+		panic("m->data == nil");
+	bpl = bytesperline(r, 32);
+	provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(0,
+		m->data->bdata, Dy(r)*bpl, 0);
+	//cspace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);
+	cspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
+	image = CGImageCreate(Dx(r), Dy(r), 8, 32, bpl,
+		cspace,
+		kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast,
+		provider, 0, 0, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
+	CGColorSpaceRelease(cspace);
+	CGDataProviderRelease(provider);	// CGImageCreate did incref
+	mouserect = m->r;
+	if(new){
+		mouseresized = 1;
+		mousetrack(osx.xy.x, osx.xy.y, osx.buttons|osx.kbuttons, msec());
+	}
+//	termreplacescreenimage(m);
+	_drawreplacescreenimage(m);	// frees old osx.screenimage if any
+	if(osx.image)
+		CGImageRelease(osx.image);
+	osx.image = image;
+	osx.screenimage = m;
+	osx.screenr = r;
+	// I'm not 100% sure why this is necessary
+	// but otherwise some resizes (esp. vertical ones)
+	// stop updating the screen.
+	qlock(&osx.flushlock);
+	QDEndCGContext(GetWindowPort(osx.window), &osx.windowctx);
+	osx.windowctx = nil;
+	qunlock(&osx.flushlock);
+flushproc(void *v)
+	for(;;){
+		if(osx.needflush && osx.windowctx && canqlock(&osx.flushlock)){
+			if(osx.windowctx){
+				CGContextFlush(osx.windowctx);
+				osx.needflush = 0;
+			}
+			qunlock(&osx.flushlock);
+		}
+		usleep(33333);
+	}
+_flushmemscreen(Rectangle r)
+	CGRect cgr;
+	CGImageRef subimg;
+	qlock(&osx.flushlock);
+	if(osx.windowctx == nil){
+		QDBeginCGContext(GetWindowPort(osx.window), &osx.windowctx);
+		proccreate(flushproc, nil, 256*1024);
+	}
+	cgr.origin.x = r.min.x;
+	cgr.origin.y = r.min.y;
+	cgr.size.width = Dx(r);
+	cgr.size.height = Dy(r);
+	subimg = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(osx.image, cgr);
+	cgr.origin.y = Dy(osx.screenr) - r.max.y; // XXX how does this make any sense?
+	CGContextDrawImage(osx.windowctx, cgr, subimg);
+	osx.needflush = 1;
+	qunlock(&osx.flushlock);
+	CGImageRelease(subimg);
+activated(int active)
+	int i;
+	if(active) {
+		for(i = 0; i<[osx.devicelist count]; i++) { //iterate available devices 
+			MTDeviceStart([osx.devicelist objectAtIndex:i], 0); //start sending events 
+		} 
+	} else {
+		for(i = 0; i<[osx.devicelist count]; i++) { //iterate available devices 
+			MTDeviceStop([osx.devicelist objectAtIndex:i]); //stop sending events 
+		} 
+		for(i = 0; i<kNTracks; ++i) {
+			tracks[i].id = -1;
+		}
+	}
+ = active;
+fullscreen(int wascmd)
+	static OSXRect oldrect;
+	GDHandle device;
+	OSXRect dr;
+	if(!wascmd)
+		return;
+	if(!osx.isfullscreen){
+		GetWindowGreatestAreaDevice(osx.window,
+			kWindowTitleBarRgn, &device, nil);
+		dr = (*device)->gdRect;
+		if( == 0 && dr.left == 0)
+			HideMenuBar();
+		GetWindowBounds(osx.window, kWindowContentRgn, &oldrect);
+		ChangeWindowAttributes(osx.window,
+			kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute,
+			kWindowResizableAttribute);
+		MoveWindow(osx.window, 0, 0, 1);
+		MoveWindow(osx.window, dr.left,, 0);
+		SizeWindow(osx.window,
+			dr.right - dr.left,
+			dr.bottom -, 0);
+		osx.isfullscreen = 1;
+	}else{
+		ShowMenuBar();
+		ChangeWindowAttributes(osx.window,
+			kWindowResizableAttribute,
+			kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute);
+		SizeWindow(osx.window,
+			oldrect.right - oldrect.left,
+			oldrect.bottom -, 0);
+		MoveWindow(osx.window, oldrect.left,, 0);
+		osx.isfullscreen = 0;
+	}
+	eresized(1);
+setmouse(Point p)
+	CGPoint cgp;
+	cgp.x = p.x + osx.screenr.min.x;
+	cgp.y = p.y + osx.screenr.min.y;
+	CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(cgp);
+	osx.xy = p;
+setcursor(Cursor *c)
+	OSXCursor oc;
+	int i;
+	if(c == nil){
+		InitCursor();
+		return;
+	}
+	// SetCursor is deprecated, but what replaces it?
+	for(i=0; i<16; i++){
+[i] = ((ushort*)c->set)[i];
+		oc.mask[i] =[i] | ((ushort*)c->clr)[i];
+	}
+	oc.hotSpot.h = - c->offset.x;
+	oc.hotSpot.v = - c->offset.y;
+	SetCursor(&oc);
+getcolor(ulong i, ulong *r, ulong *g, ulong *b)
+	ulong v;
+	v = 0;
+	*r = (v>>16)&0xFF;
+	*g = (v>>8)&0xFF;
+	*b = v&0xFF;
+setcolor(ulong i, ulong r, ulong g, ulong b)
+	/* no-op */
+	return 0;
+hwdraw(Memdrawparam *p)
+	return 0;
+struct {
+	QLock lk;
+	char buf[SnarfSize];
+	Rune rbuf[SnarfSize];
+	PasteboardRef apple;
+} clip;
+	char *s;
+	CFArrayRef flavors;
+	CFDataRef data;
+	CFIndex nflavor, ndata, j;
+	CFStringRef type;
+	ItemCount nitem;
+	PasteboardItemID id;
+	PasteboardSyncFlags flags;
+	UInt32 i;
+	u16int *u;
+	Fmt fmt;
+	Rune r;
+/*	fprint(2, "applegetsnarf\n"); */
+	qlock(&;
+ = osx.snarf;
+	if( == nil){
+		if(PasteboardCreate(kPasteboardClipboard, & != noErr){
+			fprint(2, "apple pasteboard create failed\n");
+			qunlock(&;
+			return nil;
+		}
+	}
+	flags = PasteboardSynchronize(;
+	if(flags&kPasteboardClientIsOwner){
+		s = strdup(clip.buf);
+		qunlock(&;
+		return s;
+	}
+	if(PasteboardGetItemCount(, &nitem) != noErr){
+		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard get item count failed\n");
+		qunlock(&;
+		return nil;
+	}
+	for(i=1; i<=nitem; i++){
+		if(PasteboardGetItemIdentifier(, i, &id) != noErr)
+			continue;
+		if(PasteboardCopyItemFlavors(, id, &flavors) != noErr)
+			continue;
+		nflavor = CFArrayGetCount(flavors);
+		for(j=0; j<nflavor; j++){
+			type = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(flavors, j);
+			if(!UTTypeConformsTo(type, CFSTR("public.utf16-plain-text")))
+				continue;
+			if(PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData(, id, type, &data) != noErr)
+				continue;
+			qunlock(&;
+			ndata = CFDataGetLength(data)/2;
+			u = (u16int*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
+			fmtstrinit(&fmt);
+			// decode utf-16.  what was apple thinking?
+			for(i=0; i<ndata; i++) {
+				r = u[i];
+				if(0xd800 <= r && r < 0xdc00 && i+1 < ndata && 0xdc00 <= u[i+1] && u[i+1] < 0xe000) {
+					r = (((r - 0xd800)<<10) |  (u[i+1] - 0xdc00)) + 0x10000;
+					i++;
+				}
+				else if(0xd800 <= r && r < 0xe000)
+					r = Runeerror;
+				if(r == '\r')
+					r = '\n';
+				fmtrune(&fmt, r);
+			}
+			CFRelease(flavors);
+			CFRelease(data);
+			return fmtstrflush(&fmt);
+		}
+		CFRelease(flavors);
+	}
+	qunlock(&;
+	return nil;		
+putsnarf(char *s)
+	CFDataRef cfdata;
+	PasteboardSyncFlags flags;
+	u16int *u, *p;
+	Rune r;
+	int i;
+/*	fprint(2, "appleputsnarf\n"); */
+	if(strlen(s) >= SnarfSize)
+		return;
+	qlock(&;
+	strcpy(clip.buf, s);
+	runesnprint(clip.rbuf, nelem(clip.rbuf), "%s", s);
+ = osx.snarf;
+	if(PasteboardClear( != noErr){
+		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard clear failed\n");
+		qunlock(&;
+		return;
+	}
+	flags = PasteboardSynchronize(;
+	if((flags&kPasteboardModified) || !(flags&kPasteboardClientIsOwner)){
+		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard cannot assert ownership\n");
+		qunlock(&;
+		return;
+	}
+	u = malloc(runestrlen(clip.rbuf)*4);
+	p = u;
+	for(i=0; clip.rbuf[i]; i++) {
+		r = clip.rbuf[i];
+		// convert to utf-16
+		if(0xd800 <= r && r < 0xe000)
+			r = Runeerror;
+		if(r >= 0x10000) {
+			r -= 0x10000;
+			*p++ = 0xd800 + (r>>10);
+			*p++ = 0xdc00 + (r & ((1<<10)-1));
+		} else
+			*p++ = r;
+	}
+	cfdata = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 
+		(uchar*)u, (p-u)*2);
+	free(u);
+	if(cfdata == nil){
+		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard cfdatacreate failed\n");
+		qunlock(&;
+		return;
+	}
+	if(PasteboardPutItemFlavor(, (PasteboardItemID)1,
+		CFSTR("public.utf16-plain-text"), cfdata, 0) != noErr){
+		fprint(2, "apple pasteboard putitem failed\n");
+		CFRelease(cfdata);
+		qunlock(&;
+		return;
+	}
+	CFRelease(cfdata);
+	qunlock(&;
+setlabel(char *label)
+	CFStringRef cs;
+	cs = CFStringCreateWithBytes(nil, (uchar*)label, strlen(label), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
+	SetWindowTitleWithCFString(osx.window, cs);
+	CFRelease(cs);
+kicklabel(char *label)
+	char *p;
+	EventRef e;
+	p = strdup(label);
+	if(p == nil)
+		return;
+	qlock(&osx.labellock);
+	free(osx.label);
+	osx.label = p;
+	qunlock(&osx.labellock);
+	CreateEvent(nil, 'P9PE', P9PEventLabelUpdate, 0, kEventAttributeUserEvent, &e);
+	PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), e, kEventPriorityStandard);
+static void
+	CGImageRef im;
+	CGDataProviderRef d;
+	d = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(nil, glenda_png, sizeof glenda_png, nil);
+	im = CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider(d, nil, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
+	if(im)
+		SetApplicationDockTileImage(im);
+	CGImageRelease(im);
+	CGDataProviderRelease(d);
blob - ae14ba184f7191aa800d0b0ae21f37df524e9061
blob + 6cbb523593df415f7fb6535a1ca39f0b17dcf1c3
--- src/cmd/devdraw/osx-srv.c
+++ src/cmd/devdraw/osx-srv.c
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ zunlock(void)
 int chatty;
 int drawsleep;
 int trace;
+int multitouch = 1;
@@ -129,6 +130,9 @@ threadmain(int argc, char **argv)
 	case 'D':
+		break;
+	case 'M':
+		multitouch = 0;