Commit Diff

commit - 04c21b67e647e939257f5976f9fb8139624a2d18
commit + 12a43913465309134eaf08b1815aec008ec84d8a
blob - 44a0255d14825aca8f60307e62110e8750b01c96
blob + 7809be6cb08048b472747b79f967ef5bf475c240
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Please keep in mind that the main branch, from time to
 accidentally broken on some platforms.  Telescope is developed
 primarily on OpenBSD/amd64 and commits on the main branch don't get
 always tested in other OSes.  Before tagging a release however, a
-comprehensive testing on various platform is done to ensure everything
+comprehensive testing on various platforms is done to ensure everything
 is working as intended.