Commit Diff

commit - 265508d0c8d4d558a8661b9cd5936317f72a1c79
commit + 1b45e5df963885e127b251dbb6d8f6d5e704cf47
blob - 53473b43ed2b7a9298ac6e56d857f30ae6de50b4
blob + 5c1884239de6e87e87bd280a63ec1e79923404c9
--- session.c
+++ session.c
@@ -136,9 +136,8 @@ unkill_tab(void)
- * Free every resource linked to the tab, including the tab itself.
- * Removes the tab from the *killed* tablist, but doesn't update the
- * current_tab though.
+ * Free every resource linked to the tab, including the tab itself, and
+ * removes it from the *killed* tablist.
 free_tab(struct tab *tab)