Commit Diff

commit - 2af2922240617dd2e6042fd780db81daaaeac12b
commit + 24d724fb1fd138413fe2ac64300cdc2dde1a57e6
blob - 0b626112bb636bfce363c571c54c666a077339f7
blob + 56ad69194fa0760ff9551c00a655a01cf8a42b50
--- pages.c
+++ pages.c
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ const char *about_help =
 	"=> gemini:// Project Gemini Homepage\n"
-	"> Tip: to navigate forward and backward in the history, use"
-	" `C-M-b' and `C-M-f' (or `H' and `L').\n"
+	"> Tip: use `C-M-b' and `C-M-f' (or `H' and `L') to navigate "
+	" forward and backward in the history.\n"
 	"> Tip: move the cursor over a link and press M-RET (alt-enter) to"
 	" open it in another tab.  Then use `C-x t n' and `C-x t p'"