Commit Diff

commit - be03e0b4e8c388cbf94a574b6c4f3ebc33aa72d6
commit + 2b6c15d87f9ab7a608fb146f58aee9460546ccf0
blob - /dev/null
blob + e7579394e83836803adee0f5d1fb581d918de154 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/cmd/venti/srv/www/stats.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+  <head>
+    <base href="/">
+    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+    <script language="javascript" src="stats.js"></script>
+    <script language="javascript" src="status.js"></script>
+  </head>
+  <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
+    <center>
+    <b> &ndash; venti server statistics</b>
+    <p>
+    <a href="javascript:redraw()">redraw</a>
+    <p>
+    <table id="statgraphs">
+    <tr><td>JavaScript is required to view the graphs.
+    </table>
+    <p>
+    <font size=-1>the small graphs show the past ten minutes of operation.</font>
+    <p>
+    <tt></tt>
+    <p id="settings">JavaScript is required to change the settings.</p>
+    <p>
+    <p id="debug"></p>
+    </center>
+    <script language="javascript">
+    loadsettings()
+    redraw()
+    </script>
+  </body>
blob - /dev/null
blob + dd203fc43616178b37b1f2f0083fa6a250e207e9 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/cmd/venti/srv/www/stats.js
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+biggraph = "rpctotal/diff"
+graphname = new Array(
+	"*/diskbw",
+		"<b>disk</b> bytes/second",
+	"*/netbw",
+		"<b>network</b> bytes/second",
+	"*/iobw",
+		"total: <b>disk+net</b> bytes/second",
+	"apartreadbyte/diff",
+		"arena read bytes/second",
+	"apartwritebyte/diff",
+		"arena write bytes/second",
+	"bloomfalsemiss/pctdiff=bloomlookup",
+		"bloom false hit %",
+	"bloomhit/pctdiff=bloomlookup",
+		"bloom miss %",
+	"bloomlookuptime/divdiff=bloomlookup",
+		"bloom lookup time",
+	"bloomones/pct=bloombits",
+		"bloom usage %",
+	"dcachedirty/pct=dcachesize",
+		"dcache dirty %",
+	"dcachehit/pctdiff=dcachelookup",
+		"dcache hit %",
+	"dcachelookuptime/divdiff=dcachelookup",
+		"dcache lookup time",
+	"dcachelookup/diff",
+		"dcache lookups/second",
+	"dcachewrite/diff",
+		"dcache writes/second",
+	"icachedirty/pct=icachesize",
+		"icache dirty %",
+	"icachehit/pctdiff=icachelookup",
+		"icache hit %",
+	"icachelookuptime/divdiff=icachelookup",
+		"icache lookup time",
+	"icacheprefetch/diff",
+		"icache prefetches/second",
+	"icachewrite/diff",
+		"icache writes/second",
+	"isectreadbyte/diff",	
+		"isect read bytes/second",
+	"isectwritebyte/diff",
+		"isect write bytes/second",
+	"lcachehit/pctdiff=lcachelookup",
+		"lump cache hit %",
+	"lcachelookuptime/divdiff=lcachelookup",
+		"lump cache lookup time",
+	"lcachewrite/diff",
+		"lcache writes/second",
+	"rpcreadbyte/diff",
+		"read RPC bytes/second",
+	"rpctotal/diff",
+		"RPCs/second",
+	"rpcwritebyte/diff",
+		"write RPC bytes/second",
+	"rpcreadtime/divdiff=rpcread",
+		"read RPC time",
+	"rpcwritetime/divdiff=rpcwrite",
+		"write RPC time",
+	"rpcreadcachedtime/divdiff=rpcreadcached",
+		"cached read RPC time",
+	"rpcreaduncachedtime/divdiff=rpcreaduncached",
+		"uncached read RPC time",
+	"rpcwritenewtime/divdiff=rpcwritenew",
+		"fresh write RPC time",
+	"rpcwriteduptime/divdiff=rpcwritedup",
+		"dup write RPC time",
+	"sumreadbyte/diff",
+		"checksum bytes/second",
+	"dblockstall",
+		"threads stalled: dblock",
+	"dcachestall",
+		"threads stalled: dcache",
+	"icachestall",
+		"threads stalled: icache",
+	"lumpstall",
+		"threads stalled: lump",
+	"END"
+column0 = new Array(
+	"column0",
+	"!bandwidth",
+	"*/iobw",
+	"*/netbw",
+	"rpcreadbyte/diff",
+	"rpcwritebyte/diff",
+	"*/diskbw",
+	"isectreadbyte/diff",
+	"isectwritebyte/diff",
+	"apartreadbyte/diff",
+	"apartwritebyte/diff",
+	"sumreadbyte/diff",
+	"!bloom filter",
+	"bloomhit/pctdiff=bloomlookup",
+	"bloomfalsemiss/pctdiff=bloomlookup",
+	"bloomones/pct=bloombits",
+	"END"
+column1 = new Array(
+	"column1",
+	"!icache",
+	"icachedirty/pct=icachesize",
+	"icachehit/pctdiff=icachelookup",
+	"icachewrite/diff",
+	"icacheprefetch/diff",
+	"!dcache",
+	"dcachedirty/pct=dcachesize",
+	"dcachehit/pctdiff=dcachelookup",
+	"dcachelookup/diff",
+	"dcachewrite/diff",
+	"!lump cache",
+	"lcachehit/pctdiff=lcachelookup",
+	"lcachewrite/diff",
+	"END"
+column2 = new Array(
+	"column2",
+	"!stalls",
+	"icachestall",
+	"dcachestall",
+	"dblockstall",
+	"lumpstall",
+	"!timings",
+	"bloomlookuptime/divdiff=bloomlookup",
+	"icachelookuptime/divdiff=icachelookup",
+	"lcachelookuptime/divdiff=lcachelookup",
+	"dcachelookuptime/divdiff=dcachelookup",
+	"rpcreadtime/divdiff=rpcread",
+	"rpcwritetime/divdiff=rpcwrite",
+	"rpcreadcachedtime/divdiff=rpcreadcached",
+	"rpcreaduncachedtime/divdiff=rpcreaduncached",
+	"rpcwritenewtime/divdiff=rpcwritenew",
+	"rpcwriteduptime/divdiff=rpcwritedup",
+	"END"
+col0info = new Array(column0.length)
+col1info = new Array(column1.length)
+col2info = new Array(column2.length)
+function cleardebug() {
+	var p = document.getElementById("debug")
+	p.innerHTML = ""
+function debug(s) {
+	var p = document.getElementById("debug")
+	if(p.innerHTML == "")
+		p.innerHTML = "<a href=\"javascript:cleardebug()\">clear</a>\n"
+	p.innerHTML += "<br>"+s
+function Ginfo(y, fill, name) {
+	var g = new Object()
+	g.y = y
+	g.fill = fill
+ = name
+	return g
+function cleartable(t) {
+	for(var i=t.rows.length-1; i>=0; i--)
+		t.deleteRow(i)
+function textofname(name)
+	for(var i=0; i<graphname.length; i+=2)
+		if(name == graphname[i])
+			return graphname[i+1]
+function graphrow(row, span, name, dt, wid, ht, fill, text) {
+	var url = "/graph/"+name
+	url = url+"/min=0"
+	url = url+"/t0=-"+dt
+	url = url+"/wid="+wid
+	url = url+"/ht="+ht
+	url = url+"/fill="+fill
+	var s = "<td colSpan="+span
+	s = s+" valign=bottom"
+	s = s+" align=center"
+	s = s+" width="+wid
+	s = s+" height="+ht
+	s = s+" style=\"background-image: url("+url+");\""
+	s = s+">"+textofname(name)+text+"</td>"
+	row.innerHTML = s
+function graphcell(cell, name, dt, wid, ht, fill) {
+	cell.vAlign = "bottom"
+	cell.align = "center"
+	cell.width = wid
+	cell.height = ht
+function redraw() {
+	redrawgraphs()
+	redrawsettings()
+function redrawgraphs() {
+	var t = document.getElementById("statgraphs")
+	cleartable(t)
+	for(var i=0; i<4; i++)
+		t.insertRow(i)
+	graphrow(t.rows[0], 3, biggraph, 86400, 900, 30, 0, " &ndash; showing 24 hours")
+	debug("t.rows.length="+t.rows.length)
+	graphrow(t.rows[1], 3, biggraph, 3600, 900, 30, 1, " &ndash; showing 1 hour")
+	debug("t.rows.length="+t.rows.length)
+	t.rows[2].innerHTML = "<td height=10></td>"
+	var r = t.rows[3]
+	graphtable(r.insertCell(0), column0, col0info, 0)
+	graphtable(r.insertCell(1), column1, col1info, 2)
+	graphtable(r.insertCell(2), column2, col2info, 4)
+function graphtable(bigcell, list, infolist, fill) {
+	bigcell.innerHTML = "<table id=\""+list[0]+"\"></table>"
+	bigcell.vAlign = "top"
+	var t = document.getElementById(list[0])
+	t.onclick = columnclick
+	for(var i=1; i<list.length; i++){
+		var r = t.insertRow(t.rows.length)
+		name = list[i]
+		infolist[i] = Ginfo(t.offsetHeight, fill, name)
+		if(name == "END")
+			break
+		if(name.substring(0,1) == "!"){
+			name = name.substring(1)
+			if(i > 1){
+				r.innerHTML = "<td height=10></td>"
+				r = t.insertRow(t.rows.length)
+			}
+			r.innerHTML = "<td align=center><b>"+name+"</b>"
+		}else{
+			graphrow(r, 1, name, 600, 300, 30, fill++, "")
+		}
+	}
+function xpos(obj) {
+	var x = 0
+	if(obj.fixedx)
+		return obj.fixedx
+	if(obj.offsetParent){
+		while(obj.offsetParent){
+			x += obj.offsetLeft
+			obj = obj.offsetParent
+		}
+	}else if(obj.x)
+		x = obj.x
+	return x
+function ypos(obj) {
+	var y = 0
+	if(obj.fixedy)
+		return obj.fixedy
+	if(obj.offsetParent){
+		while(obj.offsetParent){
+			y += obj.offsetTop
+			obj = obj.offsetParent
+		}
+	}else if(obj.y)
+		y = obj.y
+	return y
+function scrollleft() {
+	return document.body.scrollLeft
+function scrolltop() {
+	return document.body.scrollTop
+function columnclick(e) {
+	if(e.which && e.which != 1)
+		return
+	var g = findgraph(scrollleft()+e.clientX, scrolltop()+e.clientY)
+	if(g &&,1) != "!"){
+		biggraph =
+		var t = document.getElementById("statgraphs")
+		graphrow(t.rows[0], 3, biggraph, 86400, 900, 30, 0, " &ndash; showing 24 hours")
+		graphrow(t.rows[1], 3, biggraph, 3600, 900, 30, 1, " &ndash; showing 1 hour")
+	}
+function findgraph(x, y) {
+	var g
+	if(g = findgraphin(x, y, "column2", col2info))
+		return g
+	if(g = findgraphin(x, y, "column1", col1info))
+		return g
+	if(g = findgraphin(x, y, "column0", col0info))
+		return g
+	return
+function findgraphin(x, y, tname, info) {
+	var t = document.getElementById(tname)
+	if(x < xpos(t))
+		return
+	y = y - ypos(t)
+	for(var i=info.length-2; i>=1; i--)
+		if(y > info[i].y)
+			return info[i]
+	return
+function setof(name, val, list) {
+	var s = ""
+	for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){
+		if(val == list[i])
+			s = s+" <b>"+val+"</b>"
+		else
+			s = s+" <a href=\"javascript:set('"+name+"', '"+list[i]+"')\">"+list[i]+"</a>"
+	}
+	return s
+function loglinks(list) {
+	var s = ""
+	for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){
+		s = s+" <a href=\"/log/"+list[i]+"\">"+list[i]+"</a>"
+	}
+	return s
+first = 1
+function redrawsettings() {
+	if(first){
+		loadsettings()
+		first = 0
+	}
+	var s = ""
+	s = s+"<font size=-1>\n"
+	s = s+"logging:"+setof("logging", logging, loggingchoices)
+	s = s+" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "
+	s = s+"stats:"+setof("stats", stats, statschoices)
+	s = s+"\n<p/>\n"
+	s = s+"compression:"+setof("compress", compress, compresschoices1)
+	s = s+"<br>"+setof("compress", compress, compresschoices2)
+	s = s+"\n<p/>\n"
+	s = s+"<a href=/index>index</a> | <a href=/storage>storage</a> | "
+	s = s+"log:"+loglinks(logs)
+	s = s+"</font>"
+	document.getElementById("settings").innerHTML = s
+function set(name, value) {
+	eval(name+"= \""+value+"\"")
+	redrawsettings()
+	// Works in FireFox, not in Safari
+	parent.hidden.location.href = "/set/"+name+"/"+value
blob - /dev/null
blob + 48e197d8f14f32e9278bf21dc23a637e2d23daa6 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/cmd/venti/srv/www/status.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+function loadsettings() {
+	logging = "off"
+	loggingchoices = new Array("0", "1")
+	stats = "on"
+	statschoices = new Array("0", "1")
+	compress = "whack"
+	compresschoices1 = new Array("none", 
+		"flate1", "flate2", "flate3", "flate4", "flate5",
+		"flate6", "flate7", "flate8", "flate9")
+	compresschoices2 = new Array("smack1", "smack2", "smack3", "whack")
+	logs = new Array("all", "libventi/server", "disk", "lump", "block", "proc", "quiet", "rpc")
blob - /dev/null
blob + b0e284e3e6472af3dc7ac8e24e87294d288ac285 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/cmd/venti/srv/www/status1.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+logging = "on"
+loggingchoices = new Array("off", "on")
+stats = "on"
+statschoices = new Array("off", "on")
+compress = "whack"
+compresschoices1 = new Array("none", 
+	"flate1", "flate2", "flate3", "flate4", "flate5",
+	"flate6", "flate7", "flate8", "flate9")
+compresschoices2 = new Array("smack1", "smack2", "smack3", "whack")
+logs = new Array("all", "libventi/server", "disk", "lump", "block", "proc", "quiet", "rpc")