Commit Diff

commit - 7e04fdcea465610a0c024edfd0305f3a7292bb1a
commit + 355ad914158c9e719ce27a9d2cce0f13d58d4db3
blob - f668b4c4ef972b06e8bd395bce77b75814898e26
blob + d110508b5190c401e6924802a40785128ca47f40
@@ -13,4 +13,21 @@ To compile it just run
 The only dependency is libevent.  It expects ssh to be `/usr/bin/ssh`,
 compile with `-DSSH_PATH=...` to alter the path eventually.
-Check out the manpage for the usage.
+### Usage
+usage: lstun [-dv] -B sshaddr -b addr [-t timeout] destination
+Check out the manpage for further the usage.
+### Motivation
+It was written to forward lazily all the traffic on the local port
+2525 to a remote port 25, thus using ssh as some sort of
+The need for the "lazy" opening and closing of the tunnel is to avoid
+wasting resources when not needed.