Commit Diff

commit - c2b544f8cdf7513f47c139d1a99743a471acd827
commit + 37234309e5a38bc2b51672a39ce8457131ead2e9
blob - ae1aa3bedfde84b734847e0d676c27e746fbc2f2
blob + d3d4e035d558ecdb9be6046489094d83480d7f22
--- lib/fortunes
+++ lib/fortunes
@@ -4273,5 +4273,11 @@ complete SoC on a chip  - Tilera
 There is no application installed for executable files. Do you want to search for an application to open this file?
 There's no 'I' in team, but there's a 'u' in suck.
 Mandatory post fields are username,password,backto
+Spa Rood, met toegevoegd koolzuur -> Shovel red, with added cabbage heartburn. - Yahoo! Babel Fish
+Everything happens automatically and there is nothing new to learn. - Steve Jobs
+wrong malign list
+Sorry you try to use the function during a critical time. Out of technical reasons between 3:30 and 5:00 WET and 15:30 and 17:00 WET activations may be lost.
+Major funding for The Fabric of the Cosmos is provided by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
 i dont understand the physical processes that will produce a 40 year fifo.  -ken, after receiving the Japan Prize in 2011
 Polydactyly mutations relax control of sonic hedgehog. - Armand Marie Leroi
+Your 20333x1 screen size is bogus. Expect trouble. - Linux ps