Commit Diff

commit - bff125b842605c0b73616d9a75354a7d1e4115cb
commit + 3c04ffc096997c1a0f001247d5406b931213b5a7
blob - 83d589fd5094ae871020bca348204ac12b6b24db
blob + 1312d009f9f6c55131b7a5b27c552f6c00232145
--- site/quickstart.gmi
+++ site/quickstart.gmi
@@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ Ideally, gmid should be started as root and drop privi
 # useradd --system --no-create-home -s /bin/nologin -c "gmid Gemini server" gmid
+If you use systemd-sysusers:
+```how to create the gmid user, using systemd-sysusers
+# systemd-sysusers contrib/gmid.sysusers
 Please consult your OS documentation for more information on the matter.
 The configuration then needs to be adjusted to include the ‘user’ directive at the top: