Commit Diff

commit - 78761026c1622cd6a4ede604428f1b10b7560645
commit + 3f0b7cd1e4c004abe10967562a7a49ee781de4c4
blob - aca25a2c4694760cb3de97f4aa0901cef6359aed
blob + 20e87052ec927bcbf3d29e03891fa6553f7858dc
--- resources/pages.edn
+++ resources/pages.edn
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
   :slug  "star-platinum"}
  {:title "gmid - dead simple zero configuration gemini server"
   :slug  "gmid"}
+ {:title "vc-got: Emacs VC backend for GoT"
+  :slug  "vc-got"}
  {:title "crest - see your rest endpoints"
   :slug  "crest"}
  {:title "web interface to the OpenBSD port collection"
blob - 9cd90d64264a16687db48b8303831e0a16e16973
blob + ca0d8f816a37a8fdc28798c2bab24423d6a83f87
--- resources/posts.edn
+++ resources/posts.edn
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
-[{:title    "Fun with seccomp & signals"
+[{:title    "Being lazy, the Emacs macro edition"
+  :short    "repetitive tasks no more"
+  :slug     "emacs-macros"
+  :date     "2021/02/10"
+  :tags     #{:emacs}
+  :gemtext? true
+  :music    {:title "Wait"
+             :by    "The Beatles"}}
+ {:title    "Fun with seccomp & signals"
   :short    "debugging fiters using signals when signals themselves are the problem"
   :slug     "fun-with-seccomp"
   :date     "2021/02/08"