Commit Diff

commit - c0109344e9d48ed692362837c6e1839a16250817
commit + 405b666060e19233b82d27b95b39d02047a6b0e9
blob - 26f4f8e55d42727ae395a0e8598a3d7e3af9d642
blob + e5bc5e50c77a6ac273d69b906a6e082ce03bb861
--- config/herbstluftwm/autostart.lp
+++ config/herbstluftwm/autostart.lp
@@ -86,25 +86,25 @@ resizing frames and floating clients
 add the tags
-	hc rename default "0" || true
+	hc rename default "1" || true
 	addtag() {
 		hc add $1
 		if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
-			hc keybind "$Mod-$2" use_index $1
-			hc keybind "$Mod-Shift-$2" move_index $1
+			hc keybind "$Mod-$2" use $1
+			hc keybind "$Mod-Shift-$2" move $1
-	addtag 0 ampersand
-	addtag 1 braceleft
-	addtag 2 bracketleft
-	addtag 3 parenleft
-	addtag 4 equal
-	addtag 5 plus
-	addtag 6 parenright
-	addtag 7 bracketright
-	addtag 8 braceright
-	addtag 9 exclam
+	addtag 1 ampersand
+	addtag 2 braceleft
+	addtag 3 bracketleft
+	addtag 4 parenleft
+	addtag 5 equal
+	addtag 6 plus
+	addtag 7 parenright
+	addtag 8 bracketright
+	addtag 9 braceright
+	addtag 0 exclam
 cycle through tags
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ layout is skipped.
 mouse bindings
 	hc mouseunbind --all
-	hc mousebind $Mod-Button1 move 
+	hc mousebind $Mod-Button1 move
 	hc mousebind $Mod-Button2 zoom
 	hc mousebind $Mod-Button3 resize
@@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ incredibly easy
 	herbstclient set_monitors $((1920-100))x$((1080-100))+50+50
 	# hc detect_monitors
-Finally launche the panel on each screen
+Finally launche the panel on each screen.  I rewrote the original
+script for the monitor in a mix of rc (the plan9 shell) and awk.
-	panel=~/.config/herbstluftwm/
-	[ -x "$panel" ] || panel=/etc/xdg/herbstluftwm/
+	cd ~/.config/herbstluftwm
 	for monitor in $(hc list_monitors | cut -d: -f1) ; do
-		"$panel" "$monitor" &
+		./panel "$monitor" &
blob - /dev/null
blob + 306b7aebd772814ceac89d1859e238b26994cb9a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ config/herbstluftwm/event-gen.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# event-gen
+This script is the event generator for the bar.  The ideas is that
+it sits waiting for stuff to happen (window focus, date change,
+music player, ...)
+	#!/usr/bin/env rc
+	. ./lib
+Kill the player monitor and the date subshell upon exit
+	fn quit {
+		kill $datepid
+		kill $playerpid
+	}
+	fn siguhp { quit }
+	fn sigint { quit }
+The idea behind `uniq_linebuffered' is to avoid refreshing the bar
+every tick if the state doesn't change.  It doesn't work for some
+reason however...
+	# XXX: for some reasons this don't work
+	fn uniq_linebuffered {
+		awk '$0 != l { print ; l=$0 ; fflush(); }'
+	}
+Simulate the tag and play event at the start to force the process
+to update the tags and music info.
+	echo tag
+	echo play
+Date event generator:
+	while () {
+		date=`{date +'%H:%M, %Y-%m-%d'}
+		printf 'date\t%s\n' $"date
+		sleep 10 || break
+	} | uniq_linebuffered &
+	datepid=$apid
+Music player event generator:
+	amused monitor | egrep --line-buffered '(play|next|prev)' &
+	playerpid=$apid
+Window manager event generator:
+	hc --idle
+Kill everything upon exit
+	quit
blob - /dev/null
blob + 368b611a84c0d701e8551458537a2c323d4a8e94 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ config/herbstluftwm/lib.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# lib
+This are some common stuff that needs to be shared between panel
+and event-gen.
+	fn hc { herbstclient $* }
+	if (~ $"monitor '')
+		monitor=0
+	geometry=`{hc monitor_rect $"monitor}
+	if (test -z $"geometry) {
+		echo invalid monitor $monitor
+		exit 1
+	}
+	x=$geometry(1)
+	y=$geometry(2)
+	panel_width=$geometry(3)
+	panel_height=16
+	font='-*-fixed-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
+	fn omit-alpha {
+		sed 's,^\(\#[0-9a-f]\{6\}\)[0-9a-f]\{2\}$,\1,'
+	}
+	# extract colors from hlwm and omit alpha-value
+	bgcolor=`{hc get frame_border_normal_color | omit-alpha}
+	selbg=`{hc get window_border_active_color | omit-alpha}
+	selfg='#101010'
blob - /dev/null
blob + abd2555aef69cc850bd6d421d7699e1a2a55c731 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ config/herbstluftwm/panel.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# panel
+This is the scripts that creates the bar in my herbstluftwm setup.
+It's written in rc (the plan9 shell) because why not.
+	#!/usr/bin/env rc
+	monitor=$1
+	. ./lib
+	hc pad $monitor $panel_height
+	fn process {
+		awk -f process.awk \
+			-v selbg=$"selbg \
+			-v selfg=$"selfg \
+			-v font=$"font \
+			-v monitor=$"monitor
+	}
+	fn render {
+		dzen2 -w $panel_width -x $x -y $y -h $panel_height \
+			-fn $"font -ta l -bg $"bgcolor -fg '#222222'
+	}
+	./event-gen $"monitor | process | render >[2] /dev/null
blob - /dev/null
blob + c72d405f9d005b8c233a453f7acab2194a4ccc71 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ config/herbstluftwm/process.awk.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# process.awk
+This awk script processes the events generated by `event-gen' and
+outputs the text of the bar for dzen2.  It needs some variable to
+be defined on the command line, see `panel'.
+		visible = true
+	}
+	/^tag/ {
+		cmd = sprintf("herbstclient tag_status %s", monitor)
+		cmd | getline
+		for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
+			tags[i] = $i
+		}
+		close(cmd)
+	}
+	/^date/ {
+		$1 = ""
+		date = substr($0, 2)
+	}
+	/^quit_panel/ {
+		exit 0
+	}
+	/^reload/ {
+		exit 0
+	}
+	/^focus_changed/ || /^window_title_changed/ {
+		$1 = ""
+		$2 = ""
+		windowtitle = substr($0, 3)
+	}
+	/^play/ || /^next/ || /^prev/ {
+		cmd = "amused status"
+		cmd | getline
+		$1 = ""
+		file = substr($0, 2)
+		close(cmd)
+		# poor man basename
+		player = gensub(".*/", "", 1, file)
+		# and strip out the extension
+		player = gensub("\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$", "", 1, player)
+	}
+	{
+		for (i = 1; i <= length(tags); i++) {
+			t = tags[i]
+			if (t ~ "^#") {
+				printf("^bg(%s)^fg(%s)", selbg, selfg)
+			} else if (t ~ "^\\+") {
+				printf "^bg(#9CA668)^fg(#141414)"
+			} else if (t ~ "^:") {
+				printf "^bg()^fg(#222222)"
+			} else if (t ~ "^!") {
+				printf "^bg(#FF0675)^fg(#141414)"
+			} else {
+				printf "^bg()^fg(#d6d6d6)"
+			}
+			printf(" %s ^bg()^fg()", substr(t, 2))
+		}
+		printf("| %s ", date);
+		if (player != "") {
+			printf("| %s ", player);
+		}
+		printf("| %s ", windowtitle)
+		printf("\n", right)
+		fflush()
+		next
+	}
blob - b0289dd28a773e281b2a92c63b2f789dccb7b2c1
blob + 009134c7148a334e646334b841942b290d88bff9
--- gen
+++ gen
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ pair bin/browser	bin/browser.lp	+x
 pair bin/sshot		bin/sshot.lp	+x
 pair .config/herbstluftwm/autostart	config/herbstluftwm/autostart.lp
+pair .config/herbstluftwm/panel		config/herbstluftwm/panel.lp	+x
+pair .config/herbstluftwm/process.awk	config/herbstluftwm/process.awk.lp
+pair .config/herbstluftwm/lib		config/herbstluftwm/lib.lp
+pair .config/herbstluftwm/event-gen	config/herbstluftwm/event-gen.lp
 conv index		index.lp
 for file in $files; do