Commit Diff

commit - b0e2659430fdbc9c7879d345cef4be4dc0438075
commit + 44e24c3642c860a57185562e7fa838fbbe503193
blob - 763a1916b99bc02731e343d05ddaa8b223c5f04f
blob + 8c90fd2d1bd919e59a05d10114194af6612b5280
--- resources/posts/
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -16,12 +16,33 @@ While the mine is actually two-bytes long due to a new
 me started.  Git will ignore everything (music, documents, logs...)
 except files that you add with `-f`.  So far so good.
+**edit**: the part that follows is mostly wrong.  The problem I had
+was due to this piece of my global git conifg:
+	excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
+that was making git ignoring every file in my existings repos.
+Why I had that thing in the first place?  Well, it's the result of
+migrating to this machine.  I had a global gitignore file in my home
+directory to ignore common files (like emacs backups, acme guide files
+and so on), that I forgot to copy on the new machine.
+I've kept the rest of the post because of the `.git/info/exclude` bit
+that I didn't known about.
 Except that this broke all my git repos.
 I have several git repositories in subfolders inside my home, and
 since git goes recursively when searching for `.gitignore`s it will
-ignore EVERY file.  (this shouldn't be a surprise, but I thought
-`.gitignore` were per-repo)
+ignore EVERY file.
 Maybe the author has his `~/build` or `~/src` mounted with NFS or
 something else (git should stop at filesystem boundaries AFAIK), but