Commit Diff

commit - ba20be6971dd76f8cd93adc2a9cfc915f41ad308
commit + 4def0885171731e9d4abf899de3fc60e55e33fc8
blob - 03d13c1fc94f2b6c495979a17bcb8d3629e35af5
blob + 93e97b9e16ab36bb7e272dc0f10730dcfcfc76ec
@@ -1,3 +1,64 @@
-# Telescope
+ _______         __
+|_     _|.-----.|  |.-----.-----.----.-----.-----.-----.
+  |   |  |  -__||  ||  -__|__ --|  __|  _  |  _  |  -__|
+  |___|  |_____||__||_____|_____|____|_____|   __|_____|
+                                           |__|
-Telescope is a w3m-like browser for Gemini.
+Telescope is a w3m-like browser for Gemini.  It was written on a whim,
+just to play with ncurses, libtls, libevent and the macros from
+`sys/queue.h`, but I'd like to finish it into a featureful Gemini
+At the moment, telescope is something **a bit more than a working
+demo**.  However, it has already some interesting features, like tabs,
+privsep, input from the minibuffer.
+There are still various things missing or, if you prefer, various
+things that you can help develop :)
+ - UTF8 handling: we need to handle non-ASCII correctly in pages and
+   in the minibuffer input
+ - bookmarks
+ - subscriptions
+ - tofu
+ - client certificates
+ - add other GUI: atm we use only ncurses, but telescope shouldn't be
+   restricted to TTYs only!
+ - configuration file: even proposals are accepted.  I need a way to
+   define bindings, colors etc in a way that will possibly work on
+   more than one graphic libraries.
+## Building
+Telescope depends on ncursesw, libtls (from either LibreSSL or
+libretls), libevent (either v1 or v2).
+To build a release tarball just execute:
+	./configure
+	make
+	sudo make install
+If you want to build from the git checkout, something that's
+discouraged for users who don't intend to hack on telescope
+	./
+	./configure
+	make
+	sudo make install	# eventually
+Please keep in mind that the main branch, from time to time, may be
+accidentally broken on some platforms.  Telescope is developed
+primarily on OpenBSD/amd64 and commits on the main branch don't get
+always tested in other OSes.  Before tagging a release however, a
+comprehensive testing on various platform is done to ensure everything
+is working as intended.
+## License
+Telescope is distributed under a BSD-style licence.  The main code is
+under the ISC but some files under `compat/` are BSD2 or BSD3.