Commit Diff

commit - 0111ad5d262970304b8e12a9cb79b707f030d4cc
commit + 540d05dedc087b9216350906fa1310a59b6f6f37
blob - ce269c72f86dc55747d7cb0e2ab830c85e708f70
blob + 8a63d46acbaa1667f87469905e9d0510a8be485c
--- site/quickstart.gmi
+++ site/quickstart.gmi
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ To run gmid in the “configless” mode, just type:
 $ gmid path/to/dir
-gmid will then generate a certificate inside ~/.local/share/gmid and serving the given directory locally.
+gmid will then generate a certificate inside ~/.local/share/gmid and serve the given directory locally.
 To run gmid in daemon mode a configuration file is needed.  The format of the configuration file is described in the manpage and is quite flexible, but for simple setup something like the following should be enough:
blob - 2f430c6526b8e439b9908a58dc8d75bbf91b749c
blob + 183db26f8b252263ade39f9635e51716193363a1
--- site/quickstart.html
+++ site/quickstart.html
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
     <pre>$ gmid path/to/dir</pre>
       gmid will then generate a certificate inside ~/.local/share/gmid
-      and serving the given directory locally.
+      and serve the given directory locally.
       To run gmid in daemon mode a configuration file is needed.  The