Commit Diff

commit - 4f2fd7ae0f960721204fa656f8de8e3725bbbb5b
commit + 656b4b6480752f0774e82c2169f413f4c24995d8
blob - cc3089db523fc28ec2f3b558072fe7f61ae9d4a8
blob + ee3031e32a906dc5b6cbecebdf449cf500b1c00c
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ but I'd like to finish it into a complete Gemini brows
    security risks of possible bugs.
  - Fast: it features a modern, fast, event-based asynchronous I/O
    model, it shouldn't never lags behind the user input.
- - Inter-operable: re-use existing conventions to allow
-   inter-operations and easy migrations from/to other clients.
+ - Cooperation: re-use existing conventions to allow inter-operations
+   and easy migrations from/to other clients.
 ## Building