Commit Diff

commit - e8e0be9271e208311f1d0b841ca28cb058c61309
commit + 66c6e97f4881aff54deff446de40f4cfa696f246
blob - b6bd648b93e69ff685f0802b363998a9b485c4c5
blob + 6821f66a59403e22c611d6488ec19f7364229f29
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ RET vc-got RET`; vc-got will register itself, there's 
 ## Drawbacks
 While I've been using this backend on a daily basis for the last
-months, there are some rough edges.  Fetching updates in particular is
+years, there are some rough edges.  Fetching updates in particular is
 one action that *at the moment* is better to do by hand.  Pushing,
 committing, blaming etc on the other hand are fully functional.