Commit Diff

commit - 0f7e6318a79e7c729d68083217fdca29b4966f65
commit + 676794769a5aafd21ed8d1136dc98c42a538ae96
blob - 3ac9de2bdacc6f3e27a58ea2839e239f6111cced
blob + 4c8fb3f886b43bd9c53d5dc6734c695a5c9512a7
--- pages.c
+++ pages.c
@@ -56,16 +56,28 @@ const char *about_help =
 	"* strives for maximum power to weight ratio\n"
 	"* takes user privacy very seriously\n"
+	"=> gemini:// Project Gemini Homepage\n"
+	"> Tip: move the cursor over a link and press M-RET (alt-enter) to"
+	" open it in another tab.  Then use `C-x t n' and `C-x t p'"
+	" (or `g t' and `g T') to switch between tabs.\n"
+	"\n"
+	"\n"
 	"## What is Telescope?\n"
-	"Telescope is a Gemini browser written for fun.  Other than taking"
-	" user privacy very seriously, it also takes security and semplicity"
-	" very seriously.\n"
+	"Telescope is a Gemini browser written for fun, as hobbystic project"
+	" in my free time.  As such, it lacks a ton of features you'll find in"
+	" more mature Gemini browsers, but it also has some unique features.\n"
-	"Telescope is documented very carefully: read the manual page for"
-	" more information:\n"
+	"The UI is strongly inspired from Emacs and W3M, so you'll find some"
+	" familiar concepts, such as the minibuffer or the tabline, but care"
+	" has been taken to make it as familiar as possible for vi and CUA"
+	" users too.\n"
+	"=> gemini:// Telescope Project Homepage\n"
+	"\n"
+	"Telescope is documented very carefully in its manpage:\n"
+	"\n"
 	"> man telescope\n"