Commit Diff

commit - 964ac74cdc9d9bd22aec10bba850db93c4445cc5
commit + 686f5d035cc111a6a18d918ef60929f24b0cb424
blob - 63247a84f081f40440480f2545a7ca6a96fa08bd
blob + 30f64c8e58d3a28bc3b59ced795aa96e70c9a0ea
--- src/cmd/acme/cols.c
+++ src/cmd/acme/cols.c
@@ -149,7 +149,10 @@ coladd(Column *c, Window *w, Window *clone, int y)
 	/* near the button, but in the body */
-	moveto(mousectl, addpt(w->tag.scrollr.max, Pt(3, 3)));
+	/* don't move the mouse to the new window if a mouse button is depressed */
+	if(!mousectl->m.buttons)
+		moveto(mousectl, addpt(w->tag.scrollr.max, Pt(3, 3)));
 	barttext = &w->body;
 	return w;