Commit Diff

commit - 958e6a5f355d89e7b553d4a76bdd4f42177644a8
commit + 6cd3e124c9206fa15092ca48bac5f0b87f8bd7ad
blob - d560f461b5b3565af84b64b2a4dbe31936d5f970
blob + e80cd60a9fb4d4b93c68b34f0f3119fca93f872d
--- bin/myterm.lp
+++ bin/myterm.lp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ list of colours as `background' and sam will use a ran
 I'm actually using the same list of the sam example configuration:
-	set -A colours white seashell oldlace lightcyan gainsboro \
-		lightyellow mintcream snow lightblue thistle
+	set -A colours white seashell oldlace lightcyan \
+		lightyellow mintcream snow
 ksh has not a great syntax for arrays, but this will choose (with modulo
 bias!) a random colour and use it as xterm background.