Commit Diff

commit - dcec993201a430c8f02ce3c20e450d472fe6cabe
commit + 703acc9173987c8a9ea49800cb096680a723618d
blob - f78e1d14c74e488a815fcce7cc03c68237b90d65
blob + 7e4cef618dc5b34ed8dabb754e351e60900af6eb
--- sqlite3/errors.ha
+++ sqlite3/errors.ha
@@ -25,26 +25,129 @@ def sqlite_ok: int = 0;
 def sqlite_row: int = 100;
 def sqlite_done: int = 101;
-export type sqlite_error = !void;
-export type sqlite_internal = !void;
-export type sqlite_perm = !void;
-export type sqlite_abort = !void;
-export type sqlite_busy = !void;
-export type sqlite_locked = !void;
-// ...
-export type sqlite_unknown_error = !void;
+export type generic = !void;
+export type internal = !void;
+export type perm = !void;
+export type abort_requested = !void;
+export type busy = !void;
+export type locked = !void;
+export type nomem = !void;
+export type readonly = !void;
+export type interrupt = !void;
+export type ioerr = !void;
+export type corrupt = !void;
+export type notfound = !void;
+export type full = !void;
+export type cantopen = !void;
+export type protocol = !void;
+export type empty = !void;		// Internal only
+export type schema = !void;
+export type toobig = !void;
+export type constraint = !void;
+export type mismatch = !void;
+export type misuse = !void;
+export type nolfs = !void;
+export type auth = !void;
+export type format = !void;		// Not used
+export type range = !void;
+export type notadb = !void;
+export type notice = !void;
+export type warning = !void;
-export type error = !(sqlite_error | sqlite_internal | sqlite_perm |
-			sqlite_abort | sqlite_busy | sqlite_locked |
-			sqlite_unknown_error);
+export type error = !(
+	generic |
+	internal |
+	perm |
+	abort_requested |
+	busy |
+	locked |
+	nomem |
+	readonly |
+	interrupt |
+	ioerr |
+	corrupt |
+	notfound |
+	full |
+	cantopen |
+	protocol |
+	empty |
+	schema |
+	toobig |
+	constraint |
+	mismatch |
+	misuse |
+	nolfs |
+	auth |
+	format |
+	range |
+	notadb |
+	notice |
+	warning
 export fn strerror(err: error) str = {
-	return "";
+	match (err) {
+	case internal =>	return "Internal logic error in SQLite";
+	case perm =>		return "Access permission denied";
+	case abort_requested =>	return "Callback routine requested an abort";
+	case busy =>		return "The database file is locked";
+	case locked =>		return "A table in the dabatase is locked";
+	case nomem =>		return "A malloc() failed";
+	case readonly =>	return "Attempt to write a readonly database";
+	case interrupt =>	return "Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()";
+	case ioerr =>		return "Some kind of disk I/O error occurred";
+	case corrupt =>		return "The database disk image is malformed";
+	case notfound =>	return "Unknown opcode in sqlite3_file_control()";
+	case full =>		return "Insertion failed because database is full";
+	case cantopen =>	return "Unable to open the database file";
+	case protocol =>	return "Database lock protocol error";
+	case empty =>		return "Internal use only";
+	case schema =>		return "The database schema changed";
+	case toobig =>		return "String or BLOB exceeds size limit";
+	case constraint =>	return "Abort due to constraint violation";
+	case mismatch =>	return "Data type mismatch";
+	case misuse =>		return "Library used incorrectly";
+	case nolfs =>		return "Uses OS features not supported on host";
+	case auth =>		return "Authorization denied";
+	case format =>		return "Not used";
+	case range =>		return "2nd parameter to sqlite3::bind out of range";
+	case notadb =>		return "File opened that is not a database file";
+	case notice =>		return "Notifications from sqlite3_log()";
+	case warning =>		return "Warnings from sqlite3_log()";
+	case =>			return "Generic error";
+	};
 fn code2err(code: int) error = {
 	switch (code) {
-	case 1 => return sqlite_error;
-	case => return sqlite_unknown_error;
+	case 2 =>	return internal;
+	case 3 =>	return perm;
+	case 4 =>	return abort_requested;
+	case 5 =>	return busy;
+	case 6 =>	return locked;
+	case 7 =>	return nomem;
+	case 8 =>	return readonly;
+	case 9 =>	return interrupt;
+	case 10 =>	return ioerr;
+	case 11 =>	return corrupt;
+	case 12 =>	return notfound;
+	case 13 =>	return full;
+	case 14 =>	return cantopen;
+	case 15 =>	return protocol;
+	case 16 =>	return empty;
+	case 17 =>	return schema;
+	case 18 =>	return toobig;
+	case 19 =>	return constraint;
+	case 20 =>	return mismatch;
+	case 21 =>	return misuse;
+	case 22 =>	return nolfs;
+	case 23 =>	return auth;
+	case 24 =>	return format;
+	case 25 =>	return range;
+	case 26 =>	return notadb;
+	case 27 =>	return notice;
+	case 28 =>	return warning;
+	case =>		return generic;
blob - f8183b8d93b60e64fc44c3442b4168c2b45717dd
blob + 3257770b7fa4109acb305de5201ac6c1caf0aa4a
--- sqlite3/sqlite3.ha
+++ sqlite3/sqlite3.ha
@@ -35,9 +35,18 @@ export def OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE:	int = 0x00000008;	// VF
 export def OPEN_EXCLUSIVE:	int = 0x00000010;	// VFS only
 export def OPEN_AUTOPROXY:	int = 0x00000020;	// VFS only
 export def OPEN_URI:		int = 0x00000040;
-// ...
+export def OPEN_MEMORY:		int = 0x00000080;
+export def OPEN_MAIN_DB:	int = 0x00000100;	// VFS only
+export def OPEN_TEMP_DB:	int = 0x00000200;	// VFS only
+export def OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB:	int = 0x00000400;	// VFS ONLY
+export def OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL:	int = 0x00000800;	// VFS ONLY
+export def OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL:	int = 0x00001000;	// VFS ONLY
+export def OPEN_SUBJOURNAL:	int = 0x00002000;	// VFS ONLY
+export def OPEN_SUPER_JOURNAL:	int = 0x00004000;	// VFS ONLY
 export def OPEN_NOMUTEX:	int = 0x00008000;
-// ..
+export def OPEN_FULLMUTEX:	int = 0x00010000;
+export def OPEN_SHAREDCACHE:	int = 0x00020000;
+export def OPEN_PRIVATECACHE:	int = 0x00040000;
 export def OPEN_WAL:		int = 0x00080000;	// VFS only
 export def OPEN_NOFOLLOW:	int = 0x01000000;
 export def OPEN_EXRESCODE:	int = 0x02000000;
@@ -118,7 +127,7 @@ fn bind_parameter_index(stmt: statement, col: (str | i
 	let ret = libsqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt: *opaque, n);
 	if (ret == 0) {
-		return sqlite_error;
+		return range;
 	return ret;