Commit Diff

commit - b9231167fbba5ded9aede5f7a7f39428436ba965
commit + 747b35d0daac0fbcdb12aa949ef6a404fc4c5c3a
blob - 6f07b0538430259a388216d2ee8206d9c6443cc9
blob + ec59bb056544e61376dd6f300fe2742fb5acd9f9
@@ -2,21 +2,15 @@
 gmid is a fast Gemini server written with security in mind.  I
 initially wrote it to serve static files, but it has grown into a
-featureful server that can be used from either the command line to
-serve local directories
+featureful server.
-    gmid docs  # serve the directory docs over gemini
-or as a traditional daemon
-    gmid -c /etc/gmid.conf
 ## Features
 (random order)
- - reconfiguration: reload the running configuration without interruption
+ - reconfiguration: reload the running configuration without
+   interruption
  - sandboxed by default on OpenBSD, Linux and FreeBSD
  - IRI support (RFC3987)
  - punycode support