Commit Diff

commit - 1c412d480d6f8b782a3aa610e0396a678bfecddb
commit + 7b11ff42507558a83e6df69fc834ee2a20227dc9
blob - a5f10a6925afbd94391c9ed4af684a0889794f47
blob + 672771fe6b74879d0766244ee6b7fea2087bb993
--- ui.c
+++ ui.c
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
  * ncurses allows you to scroll a window, but when a line goes out of
  * the visible area it's forgotten.  We keep a list of formatted lines
  * (``visual lines'') that we know fits in the window, and draw them.
- * This way is easy to scroll: just call wscrl and then render the
- * first/last line!
  * This means that on every resize we have to clear our list of lines
  * and re-render everything.  A clever approach would be to do this